According to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, six girls were riding in a small passenger vehicle when it collided with a semitruck at an intersection in the city of Tishomingo, Oklahoma, about 122 miles south of Oklahoma City.
Six girls in that little car? And all of them in High School-age? Sure.
We know they just love the number 6 and a “car crash” is “cc” where ‘c’ is the third letter, so that is the freemasonic ’33,’ or 3+3 as in ‘6.’ Also, this supposedly happened on March 22, as in 3/22, the Freemasonic Order 322, Skull and Bones.
This allegedly happened in Oklahoma on a day that pays tribute to Skull and Bones.

Oklahoma = 31, 140
Skull & Bones = 31, 140

Oklahoma = 76, 41
Skull and Bones = 76, 41
And it allegedly happened in Tishomingo.

Tishomingo = 40
Freemason = 40 (Skull and Bones is a Freemasonic order)
Jesuit Order = 40 (the order that created Freemasonry)
They mention that it was ‘122 miles’ from Oklahoma City. Very specific, and a rather clever riddle.
122 is the octal of 82 (8-base counting.) And 82 matches perfectly with that distance and the tribute.

‘122 miles’ = 82
Order 322 = 82
And also…

‘122 miles’ = 21
Six Girls = 21
And speaking of ‘six girls,’ we have…

Six Girls = 39
Sacrifice = 39
Freemasonry = 39
Jesuits = 39
Oklahoma City = 39
Skull & Bones = 39
And they all allegedly died in a ‘crash.’

Crash = 22, 86
Jesuits = 22, 86
On March 22 with a 67-numerology.
3/22/2022 = 3 + 22 + 20 + 22 = 67

Human Sacrifice = 67
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Order 322 = 67
Again, in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.

Tishomingo, Oklahoma = 88
Masonic Ritual = 88
And hit by a ‘semitruck.’

Semitruck = 41
Skull and Bones = 41
If this crash really happened, they have manipulated the “122 miles” and the number of girls in the car to fit the daily narrative. However, most likely, this was staged in honor of their orders.