August 2021

20 Years and the 9/11-Connection within the Occult

Did you see those fake images of “bodies” falling off planes taking off from Kabul Airport in Afghanistan? Anyone with more than half a brain cell should be able to figure out that you can not hold on to a plane, not even during the early stages of acceleration on a runway. A takeoff, considering drag and airspeed if unprotected, would be like trying to hold on to something in 800 km/h. Impossible. You […]

20 Years and the 9/11-Connection within the Occult Read the Full Article »

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming

What we have talked and warned about since the start of the dangerous and maiming vaccinations have now escalated and are being pushed by the media. Yes, the division tactics – as previously seen in racism. They want to pin vaccinated against the unvaccinated, to get people to fight amongst each other. The best conquering tactic there is. In this fabricated and faked story, they claim that a “survey” or a “poll” by ‘The

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming Read the Full Article »

Useless Covid “Booster Shots” will be available on September 20

Yes, Covid “Booster Shots” – whatever that is supposed to be – will be available in the US on September 20, 2021. As all this is fake and staged, let’s see how they came up with this nonsense by using gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word. This story broke on

Useless Covid “Booster Shots” will be available on September 20 Read the Full Article »

NYC Indoor Totalitarian Vaccine Mandate in Effect

In the shadows of the staged Jesuit and CIA Taliban-theatre-act in Afghanistan, the New York City’s indoor vaccine mandate went into effect Tuesday, making it the first major U.S. city to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to eat or drink inside bars and restaurants. The new requirement, which applies to everyone 12 and older, doesn’t just apply to dining but includes nearly every public indoor activity, from gyms to bowling alleys to

NYC Indoor Totalitarian Vaccine Mandate in Effect Read the Full Article »

China Does Not Control President Biden and has Nothing to do with Afghanistan

Concerning comments about China on my posts about Afghanistan NO! China has nothing to do with this. China do not control Biden or anyone (LOL!) That is Trump and Q-tard nonsense for the semi-woke sheep. Stop thinking in line with their narrative – that it’s countries against countries, governments against governments, politician against politicians, people against people. That is the fake reality they portray.The world is ruled by the 13 ancient Black-Nobility families and

China Does Not Control President Biden and has Nothing to do with Afghanistan Read the Full Article »

The Media Shows Staged Scenes at Kabul, Afghanistan Airport

As a follow-up to yesterday’s Jesuit overthrow of the Afghani government… And, of course, today on August 16, they just have to show staged scenes and staged photographs from Kabul airport involving planes as a mockery of the fake planes that allegedly hit the Twin Towers on 9/11. August 16, the 228th day of the year.United States of America: 228 August 16, 2021 = 8/16/21 = 8+16+21 = 45Airplanes: 45 (Jew Red)Plane: 45 (Jew

The Media Shows Staged Scenes at Kabul, Afghanistan Airport Read the Full Article »

Afghanistan’s Government Falls on Jesuit Order’s Birthday

It’s a bit amusing how the semi-woke Trump-follower’s and Q-tards suddenly believe everything the media throws at them and they cry out about Joe Biden and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and his failure to orchestrate an urgent and orderly exit. Well, wake up little sheep. EVERYTHING is scripted, fabricated and planned. Everything is ritualistic and executed to fit the narrative, the numerology, and the Gematria. Joe Biden is a Jesuit puppet and the

Afghanistan’s Government Falls on Jesuit Order’s Birthday Read the Full Article »

Mass Shooting in Plymouth, England – The Jesuit, Boris Johnson, and Francis Bacon Connection

Mass shootings, school shootings, bombings, and “terrorist attacks” are almost always staged false flag operations – or “psy-ops” when serving a bigger agenda. They want to control the narrative and these fake events are used to get excuses and statistics for new legalizations, new restrictions – and of course, to ‘normalize’ violence, so you no longer take notice or even care when something actually happen. There is a reason why gang violence, robberies, and

Mass Shooting in Plymouth, England – The Jesuit, Boris Johnson, and Francis Bacon Connection Read the Full Article »

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