July 2021

Will Trump be back?

Jesuit puppet Donald Trump back in the Headlines again

At this point in time, most of us know that politics is just theatre for the sleeping masses, just as the fake voting system is a carrot to give the same sleeping people a sense of engagement and being in control. The truth though is the exact opposite. All elections are rigged. Presidents are not elected, they are selected. The ones who are deeply involved in the occult, connected to the cabals and the […]

Jesuit puppet Donald Trump back in the Headlines again Read the Full Article »

Surfside Mayor Mocks Everyone by Calling the Collapse Location a “Holy Site”

I covered this planned controlled demolition of the Surfside Condos in previous decodings. Now the Mayor of Surfside has declared this demolition, performed by their own government, a “Holy Site”. Not only is that a total mockery to all the lives lost in their ritual, it’s also a clear tribute to Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.Let’s break down this story using the ancient practice of Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape

Surfside Mayor Mocks Everyone by Calling the Collapse Location a “Holy Site” Read the Full Article »

Taliban False Flag by CIA

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual

We know that anything that has to do with “Terrorist organizations” or “Islamist Movements” such as the Taliban or Isis are in fact CIA-funded operations to instill chaos so the Elite can present their “solutions”. Divide and conquer.Let’s break down this story using the ancient practice of Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual Read the Full Article »


Richard Branson’s Fake Virgin Galactic Travels to Space

A globe earth spinning through space is unproven pseudo-science, but is still believed worldwide. It is a huge lie that has taken on a life of its own, being passed from generation to generation. Anyone who dares question it is mocked and ridiculed. What most people don’t know is that the ridiculous idea of heliocentrism was invented and calculated on by Jesuit priests of the Catholic Church. The theories from their front man Nicolaus

Richard Branson’s Fake Virgin Galactic Travels to Space Read the Full Article »

Loss of Smell

Causes of the Loss of Smell

I have received some questions about the causes for loss of smell over the span of some months, so instead of referring to a few short answers I’ve posted on social media, I’ll cover the reasons in this more detailed article. The loss of smell was early hijacked as one of the symptoms for the “flu”, that is, our body’s natural cleaning cycle in people that have a compromised self-cleaning system and accumulate a

Causes of the Loss of Smell Read the Full Article »

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health

Understanding the terrain theory/biological terrain is not only about realizing that there are no contagious diseases, that bacteria is essential to life, and that sickness can only come from within – it’s most importantly about letting go of fear and worries.I realized this when the terrain theory led me to German New Medicine. Back in 2017, I still believed most of what Western “Modern” Medicine preaches, including the germ theory. This was when my

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health Read the Full Article »

Fake Vaccine Research

More Fabricated Numbers as Fake Research Claims 280,000 Saved by The Killer Vaccines

How do you save someone from something that has never been isolated, proven to exist or be able to transmit disease? Something that is simply dead residue from your body’s natural cleaning cycle? Well, you can’t.Still, the evil media continues to push the lie down people’s throats – just so more people will get their lives destroyed by severe side-effect, or worse, die from the shot. Let’s take a quick look at this story,

More Fabricated Numbers as Fake Research Claims 280,000 Saved by The Killer Vaccines Read the Full Article »

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