weight loss

Okra Water is Simply an Extremely Toxic Sludge Soup

One of the most clueless writers on the Internet is back with yet another atrocious piece of garbage. Yes, I’m talking about Matt Weik of Ironmagazine and his gullible attempt at promoting Okra water, a shitstorm of plant-based toxins infused into water after soaking this poisonous green pod of seeds, the most toxic part of any plant. Anyone with the most basic understanding of biology and biochemistry should understand that drinking such an infusion […]

Okra Water is Simply an Extremely Toxic Sludge Soup Read the Full Article »

Cafestol, a Diterpene Found in Coffee, is Extremely Toxic and Will Cause Cellular Damage

Again, the evil backwards-thinking government- and pharmaceutical shills at Medical News Today are sharing extremely dangerous disinformation, aimed to reduce your lifespan, keep you weak, docile, controllable, and dependent on their damaging medical care.This time it’s about the retarded practice of drinking coffee — a hot and bitter (which tells us it’s extremely toxic) beverage made from the most toxic and poisonous part of any plant; the seed/bean. It should be obvious that drinking

Cafestol, a Diterpene Found in Coffee, is Extremely Toxic and Will Cause Cellular Damage Read the Full Article »

Time-Restricted Eating (Intermittent Fasting) Done The Right Way

Anyone with basic knowledge within physiology, biology and proper human nutrition knows that time-restricted eating (TRE,) as in Intermittent Fasting, or a “feeding window” that lets you enter a fasting state before the next day’s feeding window is extremely important for maximum health, and especially for detoxification. Yesterday, September 30, 2024, the pharmaceutical- and government shills at Medical News Today published an article on time-restricted eating and the latest “research.” Considering their agenda of keeping

Time-Restricted Eating (Intermittent Fasting) Done The Right Way Read the Full Article »

Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery: Never Submit Yourself To Surgery Unless Seriously Injured!

One of the worst and possible most evil ways to manipulate weak-minded and gullible people, is to maim them for life through surgical procedures, such as bariatric surgery, or “weight-loss surgery” to reduce the size of the stomach in order to limit the amount of food someone can eat in a day. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should be able to figure out that such an approach is a very, very bad idea. And

Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery: Never Submit Yourself To Surgery Unless Seriously Injured! Read the Full Article »

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You

Here’s another article I really didn’t feel like writing at first, as I had never heard of this ex-wrestler ‘Dave Bautista’ until his “transformation” pictures started circulating on social media and then, of course, the clueless writer Matt Weik of “Ironmagazine” had to write about it.So, let’s humor him while stating some undeniable facts. “The internet seems to be raging on fire lately with the recent images of Dave Bautista. More specifically, his weight

The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You Read the Full Article »

The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term)

Today we return to the supplement-driven Iron Magazine, a website that supposedly is aimed at bodybuilding and fitness, but with retarded crap such as the article we’re about to look at, it’s hard to tell what the heck they are or represent. Once again, it’s the awful and shamefully ignorant writer Matt Weik who this time tackles the fruitarian diet, possibly the worst and most dangerous diet out there, even more so than veganism.

The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term) Read the Full Article »

Cancer On The Rise In Young Population — And Obesity Does Not Play A Role In Cancer

The disinformation shills at Healthline are at it again with their interpretation of a recent study that shows that 17 cancer types were more common in recent generations, the so-called Generation X and Millennials. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and common sense should be able to figure out why — to clearly see what has changed the most since the 70’s, and especially the 80’s and the 90’s. Yes, our diet and toxic

Cancer On The Rise In Young Population — And Obesity Does Not Play A Role In Cancer Read the Full Article »

Is The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet A Good Choice For Athletes?

Today we return to Iron Magazine, the supplement-based “bodybuilding and fitness magazine” platform that once upon a time tried to ride on the popularity of our online magazine IronMag Online. This time, their writer Matt Weik tackles the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD.) So, let’s see what he has to say, and I’ll add my thoughts from my 28-years of experience with ketogenic diets and elite-level coaching. “Many people have heard of, tried, or have

Is The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet A Good Choice For Athletes? Read the Full Article »

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