
A Friendly Reminder – People Always get “Sick” During the Winter

There are several reasons for people getting “sick” (experience symptoms) during late autumn, the winter (around New Year) and in the spring. 1. We have natural detox cycles that is triggered by drastic changes in temperatures, as in changing of the seasons. If you have a toxic load, you will detox when the temperature drops in late autumn and/or when the temperature rises in the spring. This ‘cleansing cycle’ can also be triggered when […]

A Friendly Reminder – People Always get “Sick” During the Winter Read the Full Article »

History always repeat itself

History always repeat itself. In these dark times, as I always said, stand your ground, and remember these words. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, take up

History always repeat itself Read the Full Article »

Germany Announces Nationwide Lockdown for Their Healthy Population

Yes, I touched briefly on this yesterday as it was announced just days after the article hinting about mandatory vaccinations. This fascist Nazi-like outcry came on Thursday, December 2nd. The staged and fake pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020. This story comes exactly 631 days later. 631 is the 115th Prime Number. “Lockdown for the Unvaccinated” = 115 December 2 = 12/2 = 122 Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122 (“Jesus, the savior of

Germany Announces Nationwide Lockdown for Their Healthy Population Read the Full Article »

Article Hinting for Mandatory Vaccination – Will 2022 Be The Year Our Fate is Sealed?

You know the drill. Brainwashing and accepting new ideas without actually thinking and rationalizing is done through repetition and fear. Lately there have been a lot of talk about new lockdowns and restrictions for the remaining real humans, the unvaccinated, and also a lot of chatter about Mandatory Vaccinations – most unthinkable violation against human rights. Will 2022 be the year humanity’s fate is sealed? In Gematria you can remove the zeroes in numbers

Article Hinting for Mandatory Vaccination – Will 2022 Be The Year Our Fate is Sealed? Read the Full Article »

First confirmed US case of Omicron on the 335th day of the year! More of the Revelation 666 ritual

December 1, 2021, is the 335th day of the year.“First confirmed US case of Omicron” = 335 (English Ordinal) This is obviously a Revelation, Number of the Beast 666, ritual that ties back to the name Omicron. The first Covid case in the US was on January 21, 2020, 1/21 = 121First Omicron case on December 1 = 12/1 = 121South Africa = 121 (country of origin)Revelation = 121 (English Ordinal)Omicron is a 666-ritual

First confirmed US case of Omicron on the 335th day of the year! More of the Revelation 666 ritual Read the Full Article »

FDA vote to recommend pills to treat non-existent Covid-19 on November 30 ritual as predicted

In my article about the Omicron ‘666’-ritual I predicted another Covid-19 and vaccine ritual for November 30, as in 11/30 = 113, as Omicron is ‘113’ in the Francis Bacon cipher. And the pandemic was declared on March 11, as in 11/3 = 113 when using a date format most used in the world. March 11 can also be written as 3/11 = 311, the reflection of 113, and 311 is the Jewish gematria

FDA vote to recommend pills to treat non-existent Covid-19 on November 30 ritual as predicted Read the Full Article »

The Covid-19 Vaccine Manufacturing Scam – Impossible Logistics

We know they lie about the number of vaccinated people, which I covered especially for Sweden in this article: Sweden’s Laughable Exaggerated Vaccination Count. Now, a post on Facebook brought up another interesting fact. I remember seeing somewhere that they claimed they needed to speed up the world-wide manufacturing of covid vaccine to one dose a second. Considering the logistics behind the manufacturing process, where do all the highly trained staff come from? Where

The Covid-19 Vaccine Manufacturing Scam – Impossible Logistics Read the Full Article »

Omicron is a 666 Ritual! Pfizer now says it can have Vaccine ready in 100 days – and my prediction for how long this theatre will continue

A quick recap! The “new variant” that they made up in a computer was first dubbed “B.1.1.529”. 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 9 = 18. And 18 is known for breaking down to 6+6+6, i.e., 666 – The Number of the Beast. This “new variant” was reported on in the media on Thursday, November 25. On January 30, 2020, following the recommendations of the Emergency Committee, the WHO declared that the

Omicron is a 666 Ritual! Pfizer now says it can have Vaccine ready in 100 days – and my prediction for how long this theatre will continue Read the Full Article »

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