
The Evil Sees No Bounds – Pfizer to Vaccinate Children 2-5 Years Old with 3 Boosters

They will not give up until our children has been sterilized through vaccination. The depopulation agenda is in full swing and the majority of people are still sleeping through it all, enabling this totalitarian society we now find ourselves in.Unless you say NO and expose the virus lie, this will continue until they reach their New World Order, and we, the human race, will lose. In this satanic ritual, Vaccine maker Pfizer said this […]

The Evil Sees No Bounds – Pfizer to Vaccinate Children 2-5 Years Old with 3 Boosters Read the Full Article »

CDC recommends Pfizer & Moderna vaccines over J&J’s in Another Jesuit Ritual

As with all previous votes for recommendation or authorization, CDC follow their tradition of performing heavily coded rituals, as we easily can see using numerology and gematria. These votes are nothing more than a ritual, following the pre-planned script. It’s all theatre and part of the New World Order agenda. This story broke on December 16, 2021, when there was 15 days remaining in the year. The alleged vote was 15-0. The staged and

CDC recommends Pfizer & Moderna vaccines over J&J’s in Another Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony – Satanic Ritual with Coronavirus Predictive Programming

Just as with the opening ceremonies at the 2012 games in London with sick-beds, children, face masks and death, the 1992 Olympics is also filled with coronavirus programming. The 1992 Summer Olympics were held from 25 July to 9 August 1992 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. At the same time, the New World Order Agenda 21 to enslave humanity were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

The Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony – Satanic Ritual with Coronavirus Predictive Programming Read the Full Article »

To Those Stupid Idiots Recommending Ivermectin!

Yes, I touched on that toxic, hazardous, and idiotic drug on several occasions, but if you have friends that are Q’tarded or worse, show them this video: Link: And then have them read my old post here: And also this: You’re Welcome!

To Those Stupid Idiots Recommending Ivermectin! Read the Full Article »

The Stupidity Knows No Bounds! The Non-Existing Coronavirus Attack Fat Tissue Claims Paid Pseudoscientists. And a Lesson in Healing

Yes, just as silly as the claim that cold weather causes blood clots and heart attacks (but only in 2021, never ever before in history), now some total dimwits claim that a virus (that does not exist) can attack your fat tissue and cause severe inflammation – which magically can cause an “dangerous” reaction from the imaginary immune system. And this should be the explanation why “fat people” are more at risk of getting

The Stupidity Knows No Bounds! The Non-Existing Coronavirus Attack Fat Tissue Claims Paid Pseudoscientists. And a Lesson in Healing Read the Full Article »

Remember this post from September 8? When Sweden Removed Corona Restrictions as a Setup for This Winter?

Yes, On September 8, I wrote the following as a conclusion: “So, to conclude, as winter approaches, people will get symptoms from detoxing, and they will blame it on the virus – and more likely a new variant, something more “contagious” than Delta. Some of the vaccinated will likely get really sick and some will die (as many already have), and they will blame it on a virus variant and the unvaccinated. And it

Remember this post from September 8? When Sweden Removed Corona Restrictions as a Setup for This Winter? Read the Full Article »

Man Test Positive of Moronic… Omicron in Minnesota in 56-Ritual

The show must go on, as they say. No matter how ridiculous it is.I’ve covered the imaginary Omicron in length, just as with Delta before that, which now seem to have disappeared altogether. Isn’t that strange?I guess it must be hard keeping up with all the lies, and the sleeping sheep doesn’t even notice, so why bother? Omicron is the new scare tactic to manipulate the weak-minded into multiple booster shots. The depopulation agenda

Man Test Positive of Moronic… Omicron in Minnesota in 56-Ritual Read the Full Article »

As I Said from the Start – At Least 70 to 85% of All Cov-1984 Vaccines are ‘Harmless’

When the vaccines started rolling out (for something that does not exist), I speculated that at least 70 to 85% would be salt water and less than 20 % would be the real thing, the maiming, sterilizing, and deadly weapon of depopulation. In mid-November, Craig Paardekooper examined all the available data from the VAERS database and filtered all the reported side effects and deaths to their correlating batch/lot number. And look and behold, as

As I Said from the Start – At Least 70 to 85% of All Cov-1984 Vaccines are ‘Harmless’ Read the Full Article »

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