Virus Outbreak

Covid-19 Ritual on 1/9 – No One Has Ever Had Covid-19.

As we have had one of the coldest, darkest, and rainiest summers in history, a lot of people started their detoxification cycle earlier than usual. As a calculated result from the weather warfare, the propaganda indoctrination campaign about imaginary viruses has, once again, been escalating for weeks, especially here in Sweden. And, of course, on September 1, as in 1/9, like 19, CNN plastered their frontpage with more Covid-19 nonsense. The article claims that, […]

Covid-19 Ritual on 1/9 – No One Has Ever Had Covid-19. Read the Full Article »

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia

As everyone should now by now, there is no such thing as a virus. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist or do anything they claim these pesky boogeymen do. And more importantly, contagion has never been proven, only the complete opposite. No living being can infect another with disease. Any kind of disease comes from within and it is the healing process that manifests symptoms that complete retards claim as

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia Read the Full Article »

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere!

February 25th was the 56th day of the year, one of their favorite hoax-numbers, representing the whole fake and staged pandemic, the fake climate change agenda, and of course, representing Society of Jesus, the military Jesuit Order out of the Vatican whom pretty much control everything on the world stage through their minions within Freemasonry and other secret societies. Masonic Ritual = 56Society of Jesus = 56Freemasons = 56 Right out of the gate,

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere! Read the Full Article »

China Claims That 60,000 People Have Died of CONvid in Last 35 Days

Release the Kraken and open the floodgates of CONvid propaganda. Here we go again. Another made-up fake story all done by the numbers. I recently covered their newly invented variant named Kraken and I also said that they would do another push of this staged and fake pandemic. The theme is the same as in earlier reports of recurring “outbreaks,” telling us that deaths has increased dramatically after they abandoned their tight “zero-Covid” policy.

China Claims That 60,000 People Have Died of CONvid in Last 35 Days Read the Full Article »

New China Theatre as They Claim 35 Cases of Made-Up Bad-Guy Langya Virus

Oh yes, the show must go on. We are at the commercial break between the main events of the first staged and fake pandemic and the second pandemic they are all warning us about, and during this break we have been stuffed with more programming such as CON-vid variants, Marburg, Nipah, Polio, Monkeypox, and now ‘Langya.’ All complete bollocks to keep the sinister and evil virus lie alive among the gullible and dumbed down

New China Theatre as They Claim 35 Cases of Made-Up Bad-Guy Langya Virus Read the Full Article »

First Two U.S. Cases of NON-Existent Monkeypox in Children

Well, look at that. The day after they revived the Polio hoax in the media, they now tell us that two unrelated cases of ‘Monkeypox’ has been confirmed in the U.S. Supposedly, they have pinned this silly diagnose on a toddler in California and an infant who is not a US resident, according to “health authorities.” Some media websites also make sure to mention that this supposedly is a ‘growing outbreak.’ Although it’s meant

First Two U.S. Cases of NON-Existent Monkeypox in Children Read the Full Article »

New York Adult “Diagnosed” With Polio – More Virus Programming

If you haven’t researched Polio, it’s a very ugly tale of disinformation, deceit, cover-ups, and maiming vaccine experiments. It’s also a very emotional subject for those who have been indoctrinated with pictures of crippled and disformed children, as well as the terrifying iron lungs. As for Polio, it seemed to appear abruptly from nowhere in the early 1900’s to become a problem. Unfortunately, this was when Rockefeller had hijacked the medical community and used

New York Adult “Diagnosed” With Polio – More Virus Programming Read the Full Article »

The Second Pandemic is Closing in – Another FAKE Omicron Variant on the Rise

I guess it’s time for the second, “We told you so,” of today. All since they let up the restrictions last year, I have been predicting a second pandemic; and during the last couple of weeks the signs has been everywhere, hence these articles: And yes, a somewhat new and totally imaginary and fictious variant made front-page-news today on July 13, and they call it the ‘worst variant.’Actually, we have seen this “BA.5” lurking

The Second Pandemic is Closing in – Another FAKE Omicron Variant on the Rise Read the Full Article »

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