
Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway Dead at 99 by the Numbers

According to the media and a press release from Berkshire Hathaway, their former vice chairman Charlie Munger passed away this Tuesday, November 28, 2023. As you probably know, Berkshire Hathaway is an American multinational conglomerate holding company headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, the city where Charlie was born. While Berkshire Hathaway is controlled by Warren Buffett, Charlie was described as Warren’s closest partner and right-hand man. While they’re both are Freemasons, Warren Buffet and his […]

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Dangerous Misinformation – This Will Make You Sick!

One of the most visited “health” websites on the Interwebs, ‘Healthline,’ recently posted an article on “6 Tips to Keep Your Home Clean and Germ-Free This Winter.” Actually, Healthline Media, who raised $95 million through investment firm Summit Partners in 2016 and was acquired by media company Red Ventures in 2019, is simply an extension of governmental medical propaganda – as in misinformation and representing the pseudo-science of “modern medicine,” something that is anti-health

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The Financial System and the Jewish Conspiracy

The subject of the Jewish conspiracy was brought up on my social media feed the other day, and people who believe in this illusion of “Jews running the world” often defend their position with the overrepresentation of Jews within the Financial System and the world of Banking. Well, let’s take a quick look at the rigged financial system based on the pseudo-science of economics and the doctrine of capitalism and how the Jews fit

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 11

Welcome back, my dear friends. In this part, we continue our journey through the history of mind control, manipulation, lies, and deceit with the early years of the 2000’s and how they impacted the illusion we are living in today. On March 20, 2003, George W. Bush ordered the ‘2003 invasion of Iraq,’ a continuation of his father’s 1990 invasion of Iraq, also known as the staged and mostly faked ‘videogame war,’ which was

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 10

When I started this article series about mind control, conditioning, and programming, I was considering 4 or 5 parts. I left out a lot on purpose, and likely forgot even more (especially when I now look back,) and yet here we are, at the 10th part of the series, going through the late 90’s and into the 2000’s.In part 9, we ended with Google’s part in the Infodemic, with the introduction of the Euro

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Elon Musk’s Twitter Deal to Close Before Friday, October 28?

I’ve covered this silly ritual since the start, including the programming behind it. If you need to read-up, check these out: All this silliness is most likely a long-drawn ritual, all by the numbers as they always do it. Part distraction, part mockery. Twitter was founded on March 21, 2006. This means, and this is no joke, that Twitter will be exactly 6066-days old on that deadline tomorrow on October 28, for Musk to

Elon Musk’s Twitter Deal to Close Before Friday, October 28? Read the Full Article »

How the World is Run – A Simple Look at the Control Structure of Your ‘Reality’

I will try and keep this as simple and short as possible, as I’ve touched on this numerous times, and in all honesty, no matter how much research you do, you will never get to the ‘100% truth’ and expose everything. Still, with all the research that has been done in the last 60 years or so by independent truth-seekers, we do have a pretty good understanding. First, I assume that most of you

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Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit

Being only slightly aware isn’t good enough! As people slowly wake up to the reality of our world, how it is being held hostage by the top of the power pyramid, sometimes referred to as ‘the 13 families’ (actually families from the Babylonian/Roman Empire) and their parasites within their secret societies (the Cabals), and that EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie, the awakening can take many different roads. Some lead into the

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