tissue repair

The Sad State Of Nutrition (Pseudo)Science — And Zero Carb Is The Only Way To Improve Mental Health And Cognition!

Yet again we’ll return to Examine.com and take a look at a meta-analysis of extremely poor studies and trials on “low-carbohydrate” diets and improvements on quality of life (QoL,) and cognition. Quick Summary “In this meta-analysis of 30 randomized controlled trials in 1,781 adult participants, researchers looked at a low-carbohydrate and improvements in mood, anxiety, or memory speed, but its effects varied depending on individual characteristics and contexts.” There are a few crucial things […]

The Sad State Of Nutrition (Pseudo)Science — And Zero Carb Is The Only Way To Improve Mental Health And Cognition! Read the Full Article »

Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance

When the Elite Families who run this inverted clown-world from the shadows instigated the silly and staged Covid-19 psychological operation, their underlings pushed forward some of their controlled opposition to put focus on alternative medicine and remedies to lure in those who saw right through the maiming and deadly vaccines and the agenda of a staged pandemic. While some people recognized the juvenile virus hoax, that of “contagion,” that of biologically impossible transference of

Parasites 101: In An Healthy Environment We All Live Together In Perfect Balance Read the Full Article »

Eating Less And Reducing Inflammation Is A Very Bad Thing!

Today we return to Examine.com and yet another review of a totally meaningless study. If you understand anything about physiology and our body’s detoxification and healing processes, you’ll know why. If not, I’ll break it down for you. What was studied? “The effect of intermittent fasting or calorie restriction on plasma inflammatory biomarkers in the context of overweight or obesity.” Inflammation is the result of our body detoxifying and/or healing damaged tissue. It is

Eating Less And Reducing Inflammation Is A Very Bad Thing! Read the Full Article »

Cold Plunges And Cold Therapy Is Extremely Damaging!

The misinformation specialist and imbecile Matt Weik of Ironmagazine continues to pull idiotic crap out of his ass, and this time it can really f**k you up, especially if you’re a competing athlete — or simply a gullible idiot who thinks that stressing the complete sh*t out of your body is a good thing. Let’s see what this imbecile managed to put together this time and I will use my 30+ years of coaching,

Cold Plunges And Cold Therapy Is Extremely Damaging! Read the Full Article »

Ramadan Is Not Fasting And It’s Practiced Backwards

Since there has been no real interesting articles or news as of lately, we once again return to Examine.com and one of their summaries of yet another really stupid meta-analysis. What was studied? “The effect of Ramadan fasting on kidney function in people who either had chronic kidney disease (CKD) or received a kidney transplant. The primary outcomes were changes in creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate.” First, let’s define fasting. Fasting is the

Ramadan Is Not Fasting And It’s Practiced Backwards Read the Full Article »

Vaping, Smoking And Systemic Inflammation — An Explanation Of Widespread Inflammation/Healing (hs-CRP)

Today we return to Examine.com and one of their summaries of a recent study, a study that is another prime example of something that never should have been conducted because you can easily predict all the outcomes using logic and common sense and it does not add anything useful or new to the table. What was studied? “Whether vaping is associated with lower levels of inflammation than cigarette smoking. The primary outcome was levels

Vaping, Smoking And Systemic Inflammation — An Explanation Of Widespread Inflammation/Healing (hs-CRP) Read the Full Article »

Can Bitter Melon Inhibit Your Body’s Healing Processes? (Cholesterol and Triglycerides Explained)

Let’s look at yet another backwards-thinking study as summarized by Examine.com. While their incredible ignorance may be laugh-inducing, it’s actually quite serious as studies like these feed the extreme misinformation that everything today is built upon, as in all the lies and deceit pushed by the elite’s agendas, and all these studies will ultimately hurt a lot of people. What was studied? “The effect of supplementation with bitter melon on total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,

Can Bitter Melon Inhibit Your Body’s Healing Processes? (Cholesterol and Triglycerides Explained) Read the Full Article »

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss)

Today we return to Examine.com and their summary of a meta-analysis looking at weight loss, body composition, and blood lipids in overweight adults following a time-restricted eating schedule. What was studied? “The effect of time-restricted eating (TRE) on anthropometrics (body measurements) and body mass in the context of overweight and obesity.” Well, using a time-restricted approach to eating, as in a feeding window of 4, 6 or 8 hours, will likely mean less food

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss) Read the Full Article »

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