The Jesuit Order

Aaand… The “Terrorist” Bombings Are Back in a Freemasonic 47-Ritual, Liverpool Women’s Hospital Explosion

As many of us predicted after the Jesuit ritual in the Afghan “overthrow” of the government by the fake CIA-Taliban on August 15, staged ‘false-flag’ terror attacks are coming back. We’ve seen a few incidents hinting at this and now, this Sunday, the Freemasons staged a fake terror bombing outside of the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. And this one is extremely easy to decode using simple numerology and gematria. The bomb supposedly blew up in […]

Aaand… The “Terrorist” Bombings Are Back in a Freemasonic 47-Ritual, Liverpool Women’s Hospital Explosion Read the Full Article »

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual

If you didn’t know, the awful rock band KISS is an acronym for ‘Knights in Satan’s Service.” Yet, disinformation shills such as the laughable CIA-controlled Snopes will try and convince you otherwise. However, I grew up with this shit before turning to electronic body music in my teenage years – and Kiss was as Satanic as they come. Their album covers, the symbolism, their make-ups, everything. Also, Kiss was often stylized as KIϟϟ, with lightning

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’

You probably know of the importance of number ‘56’ since 2020 and the whole fake pandemic. However, there is another number that is very important to the Jesuit Order, and that is ‘201.’ The first Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) was Ignatius of Loyola (April 19th, 1541.) And in 1773 Pope Clement XIV allegedly suppressed the Jesuit Order on the completion of the 201st day of the year, July

The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’ Read the Full Article »

Greta Says COP26 is a Failure in Another Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual

The little Jesuit puppet, the boy pretending to be a girl, Greta Thunberg is of course in the news on November 5, the day leaving 56 days remaining in the year. Just as their big hoax coronavirus being 56 in gematria, their other hoax, climate change, is 56 as well. And of course, Greta Thunberg is ‘65’ in Full Reduction, the reflection of ’56.’ Climate Change = 56 (keyword, the main theme of the

Greta Says COP26 is a Failure in Another Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

States and Cities Offering Incentives for Children to take the Maiming, Sterilizing and Deadly Covid Vaccine in another ‘56’ and 11/5 Ritual

The sheer evil of these people sees no bounds. And the ignorance and level of mental illness among parents who let their kids get vaccinated will be unprecedented in history. The story claims: “In New York City, children can claim $100 if they get their first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine at city-operated vaccine site. Alternatively, they can get tickets to city attractions such as the Statue of Liberty or the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team.”

States and Cities Offering Incentives for Children to take the Maiming, Sterilizing and Deadly Covid Vaccine in another ‘56’ and 11/5 Ritual Read the Full Article »

Pathetic Actor Joe Biden Threatening the Sane and Unvaccinated with new January 4 Mandate

The Jesuit puppet actor, Joe Biden, playing the role of the sniffing and demented President of the Unites States, uttered the threat, “our patience is wearing thin”, during his ‘speech’ on the new January 4 mandate affecting 84-million corporate employees. As usual, this is all scripted and presented using Gematria and Numerology, their ancient practice. This ‘blah-blah-blah’ came on November 4, a date with the infamous pandemic numerology of ’56.’November 4, 2021 = 11/4/2021

Pathetic Actor Joe Biden Threatening the Sane and Unvaccinated with new January 4 Mandate Read the Full Article »

Facebook Meta in Mocking Ritual, All by The Numbers

In my post about the rebranding of the corporation Facebook to Meta, I explained that it was a Jewish ritual to honor the Rothschild created ‘World Jewish Congress.’While we see ‘Meta’ as a hint to meta-information, the gathering of information and keywords, Hebrew speakers recently ‘mocked’ the rebranding as ‘Meta’ means ‘dead’ in Hebrew.  As you should know, nothing goes ‘viral’ unless they let it. And nothing makes the headlines unless they are behind

Facebook Meta in Mocking Ritual, All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

FDA Authorizes Pfizer’s Maiming, Sterilizing, and Deadly Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 in Freemasonic 322 Ritual

The US Food and Drug Administration voted to recommend the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for children 5 to 11 on October 26, leaving 66 days remaining in the year, just as ‘66’ is Number of the Beast in Full Reduction gematria. On October 29, FDA issued emergency use authorization for the death shot. This is the first Covid-19 vaccine authorized in the United States for younger children.The maiming, sterilizing, and deadly shots can’t be administered

FDA Authorizes Pfizer’s Maiming, Sterilizing, and Deadly Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 in Freemasonic 322 Ritual Read the Full Article »

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