The Jesuit Order

Taliban False Flag by CIA

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual

We know that anything that has to do with “Terrorist organizations” or “Islamist Movements” such as the Taliban or Isis are in fact CIA-funded operations to instill chaos so the Elite can present their “solutions”. Divide and conquer.Let’s break down this story using the ancient practice of Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter […]

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual Read the Full Article »

COV-idiots fooled into taking the DEATH-Jab over Rigged Lottery

This is just so sad and a little bit hilarious at the same time.In an effort to kill more “useless eaters” with the death-jab, a $1-million lottery “Vax-a-Million” was announced for those braindead enough to take the shot. And guess what? The first winner was recently announced! Let’s take a look at this story, using their language of trade – Gematria! The first winner (allegedly) of Ohio’s Vaccine lottery is Abbigail Bugenske. Such a

COV-idiots fooled into taking the DEATH-Jab over Rigged Lottery Read the Full Article »

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984

This goes back to my previous post about the Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci and his new ‘inquiries’ about this false narrative.Most educated people should know by now that there is no such thing as virus or a contagion, it is not possible within the realm of biology and microbiology. The germ theory with unicorn-fantasy-viruses has been debunked so many times I will just leave it there. I wrote about this in my article about

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII

Do I have any woke friends who looked into Avicii and his alleged death in 2018? In 2018 I almost died and have been recovering since then, so I did not bother to look into Avicii – I was too out of it at that time.However, with the name-change of the Globen Arena to Avicii Arena, it just stood out as weird. I’ve heard about the theories around the Epstein connection. But I’ve never

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII Read the Full Article »

Sao Paulo Mayor Bruno Covas dies of cancer at 41

All by the numbers, but it’s only a coincidence, right? Bruno died on May 16, 2021 = 5+16+20+21 = 62His full name “Bruno Covas Lopes“: 62Sacrifice: 62Ritual: 62Jesuit Order: 62 (Jew Red)Mason: 62 He died 39 days after his birthday, or his 40th day of his age, and he died on 16/5, like 165.Masonry: 39Jesuits: 39 (Septenary)Freemasonry: 39 (Septenary)Scottish Rite: 165 He died on the 40th day of his age.Bruno Covas: 40Brazi: 40Order 322:

Sao Paulo Mayor Bruno Covas dies of cancer at 41 Read the Full Article »

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020

This post is about educating you further about the enormous importance of Gematria and that most “headline events” are staged and scripted.The core belief among all the cabals is that God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word.This knowledge is expressed in the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, or in English, in The Book of Formation. It states that God created his universe by three forms of

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020 Read the Full Article »

The Corona Covid-19 SCAM – Test Kits sold in 2018!

MORE PROOF that the Covid-19 pandemic is a SCAM! TEST-KITS PATENTED in 2015 and SOLD in 2018! On October 13, 2015, a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild (The Rothschilds are the Jesuits war-bankers and they control the World Banks and own Reuters and most other media outlets – they control your ‘reality’, the flow of information).In 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of

The Corona Covid-19 SCAM – Test Kits sold in 2018! Read the Full Article »

Jesuit Puppet Donald Trump Launches Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020

“Operation Warp Speed was a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.” Of course, they must make it silly and use words from Star Trek.— “Helm, Warp One. Engage!” Let’s look at this story using their language of choice, gematria – combining the letter, with the number and the word. Operation Warp Speed: 266, 95Iesus Hominum Salvator: 266

Jesuit Puppet Donald Trump Launches Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020 Read the Full Article »

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