The Great Reset

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 2

This is the second part of many where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation, keeping you running in circles.The previous part, with the introduction to opposites, psychological operations and controlled opposition, and where we cover 5G, Adrenochrome, the Bilderberg Group, the Deep State, and Flat Earth can be found here: With that out of the way, let’s […]

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

Catastrophic Contagion 2025 – The Latest Fake Virus Outbreak Simulation

Do you guys remember the first virus outbreak simulation called Clade X? It was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security on May 15th, 2018, exactly 666 days before the World Health Organization declared coronavirus as a fake pandemic on March 11, 2020. And in between that, we had Event 201, the second outbreak simulation hosted by the same puppets together with WHO, and of course, Bill Gates. Event 201 was hosted

Catastrophic Contagion 2025 – The Latest Fake Virus Outbreak Simulation Read the Full Article »

Obama and Trump Back in the Headlines 666-days After the Insurrection – Battle of the Antichrists?

On November 3, 2022, we had headlines such as “DOJ mulling potential special counsel if Trump runs in 2024,” “Trump kicks off final campaign blitz to boost Republicans and himself,” “Obama and Trump bring dueling visions for America in return to campaign trail,” and much more. The theme was obvious, democrats vs. republicans, the left vs. the right, Obama vs. Trump. And, of course, as always, this is done by the numbers. The January

Obama and Trump Back in the Headlines 666-days After the Insurrection – Battle of the Antichrists? Read the Full Article »

The World Stage Psy-Ops: The Great Reset vs. The Great Awakening

This article will expand in more detail on previous articles where I’ve explained both Agenda 2030, aka., The Great Reset, and the fake counter-narrative running parallel referred to as ‘The Great Awakening’ — also known as “Folkbildningsprojektet” by Controlled Opposition here in Sweden. The latter is usually mentioned together with the CIA deceiving psy-op that is known as ‘Q.’ Please take a few minutes and read this article if you’re not familiar with the

The World Stage Psy-Ops: The Great Reset vs. The Great Awakening Read the Full Article »

How Sweden Secretly Adopted the Evil Enslavement Agenda 2030

A dear friend asked me to write this short article as I have only mentioned this a few times as side-notes in previous articles. Unfortunately, most people are still unaware of this and why Sweden is crumbling and falling apart. Considering the recent staged and fake Parliament Election is Sweden, it is as relevant as ever. If you’re unfamiliar with the Satanic enslavement system known as Agenda 2030, which is also called “The Fourth

How Sweden Secretly Adopted the Evil Enslavement Agenda 2030 Read the Full Article »

CDC Streamlines CONvid-19 Guidance as part of Virus Conditioning

CDC’s revised guidance was released this Thursday, August 11, and the media presented it as “an increasing focus on individuals making their own decisions about their level of risk and how they want to mitigate that risk.” They go on to explain that it includes a lift of the requirement to quarantine if exposed to the virus, that it deemphasizes screening people with no symptoms and updates COVID-19 protocols in schools, eliminating a recommendation

CDC Streamlines CONvid-19 Guidance as part of Virus Conditioning Read the Full Article »

Darkness is Coming — Senate Votes to Ratify NATO Membership for Sweden and Finland

The Senate voted on Wednesday to approve a resolution to ratify (to give formal consent to an agreement, making it officially valid) membership for Sweden and Finland in NATO – what they call a historic vote aimed at ‘strengthening the defense bloc’ amid the staged and fake war in Ukraine. If you’re not familiar with NATO and the dark forces behind it, please read my article below: Now, this vote was on August 3rd,

Darkness is Coming — Senate Votes to Ratify NATO Membership for Sweden and Finland Read the Full Article »

UN and WEF Partnership from June 13, 2019: Agenda 2030 – The Great Reset, The New World Order

This suddenly trended on Twitter and several ‘alternative media’ websites a few days ago. However, it is not new!This was recorded at the daily press brief on June 13, 2019 when United Nations signed a partnership with the World Economic Forum, as stated here: This partnership was signed just a few months before they really accelerated Agenda 2030 with the fake and staged coronavirus pandemic… United Nations announces that Jesuit Klaus Schwab of the

UN and WEF Partnership from June 13, 2019: Agenda 2030 – The Great Reset, The New World Order Read the Full Article »

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