The Fallen Angles

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 3

In part 2, we covered the ‘invasion’ of the giant-like Pleiadeans, synonymous with the ‘fallen angels’ and how their interbreeding led to a second era in Atlantis with the creation of a ruling class, that of ‘priest kings,’ that of royals, who claimed to have the ‘blue blood’ of both the ‘reptilian-like’ overlords, the Anunnaki, and that of the fallen angels. As the descendants wandered out of Atlantis and into the mainland, they interbred […]

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 3 Read the Full Article »

January 20, Jesuit Celebration Day

The 20th of January, or 20/1, like the Jesuit number of 201, was filled with media stories and rituals coded with the Jesuit Order. We even had the death of Xavier Albó, a Jesuit Priest known for his ‘expertise’ in the indigenous peoples of Bolivia, where he moved to in 1952, the year after he joined The Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order. Xavier was born on November 4, 1934, and died on January

January 20, Jesuit Celebration Day Read the Full Article »

The Foreshadowed Staged Assassination of Trump Coming Soon?

I’ve mentioned the theories around the possibility of a staged fake assassination of Donald Trump, most likely by a “head wound,” in some older posts, like this one: Now, there was a story on August 29 that was so silly and stupid that it should not have gotten any news coverage unless it was coded for a specific reason. The story featured a Nebraska man, Duane Hansen, who paddled ‘38’ miles down the Missouri

The Foreshadowed Staged Assassination of Trump Coming Soon? Read the Full Article »

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