The Catholic Church

84 or More Dead from the Tornadoes in Jesuit Kill-Ritual

At least 84 dead? Of course… not fabricated numbers at all! The Jesuit Order = 84 (the order writing the script)Jesuit = 84 (the order writing the script)The Catholic Church = 84 (the home of the Jesuits)United States of America = 84 (their main stage for these rituals)Weather Control = 84 (what was used in this ritual)Electromagnetic Wave = 84 (used in weather warfare) And let’s not forget that Weather Control is 201 in […]

84 or More Dead from the Tornadoes in Jesuit Kill-Ritual Read the Full Article »

HELLywoods History of On-Set Shooting Rituals

In a desperate attempt to validate shooting accidents on film sets, in the aftermath of Alec Baldwin, CNN instead manages to prove the width and depth of the Jesuits blood rituals within the movie industry. Thank you, CNN, for confirming yet again what we with eyes to see has known for a long time. CNN brings up Brandon Lee, John-Erik Hexum and Vic Morrow in this story. While CNN starts off with Brandon Lee,

HELLywoods History of On-Set Shooting Rituals Read the Full Article »

James Bond’s ‘No Time To Die’ nets $56-million in yet another ‘56’ ritual

As with everything they have their hand in, it’s all scripted and done by the numbers. This little decode is only to show you how obvious it all is. Note that the ‘$56-million’ came up short of the $84 million forecast goal. Why was the goal $84-million?Glad you asked! You see, this heaping pile of crap premiered on Friday, October 8, 2021, leaving 84 days remaining of the year. It’s all in their numerology.

James Bond’s ‘No Time To Die’ nets $56-million in yet another ‘56’ ritual Read the Full Article »

Low Vaccination Rates in Romania and Bulgaria

It’s October 1st, 2021, the 274th day of the year, leaving 91 days until the end of the year. So, with 91 days remaining, what would be more appropriate than running some fake ‘anti-vax’ and ‘vaccine hesitancy’ stories to discredit people with functional brains and to further their deception – the globalist depopulation agenda? Anti-vax = 91 (English Ordinal)Vaccine Hesitancy = 91 (Reverse Full Reduction)Discredit = 91 (English Ordinal)Deception = 91 (English Ordinal)The Society

Low Vaccination Rates in Romania and Bulgaria Read the Full Article »

Afghanistan’s Government Falls on Jesuit Order’s Birthday

It’s a bit amusing how the semi-woke Trump-follower’s and Q-tards suddenly believe everything the media throws at them and they cry out about Joe Biden and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and his failure to orchestrate an urgent and orderly exit. Well, wake up little sheep. EVERYTHING is scripted, fabricated and planned. Everything is ritualistic and executed to fit the narrative, the numerology, and the Gematria. Joe Biden is a Jesuit puppet and the

Afghanistan’s Government Falls on Jesuit Order’s Birthday Read the Full Article »

Mass Shooting in Plymouth, England – The Jesuit, Boris Johnson, and Francis Bacon Connection

Mass shootings, school shootings, bombings, and “terrorist attacks” are almost always staged false flag operations – or “psy-ops” when serving a bigger agenda. They want to control the narrative and these fake events are used to get excuses and statistics for new legalizations, new restrictions – and of course, to ‘normalize’ violence, so you no longer take notice or even care when something actually happen. There is a reason why gang violence, robberies, and

Mass Shooting in Plymouth, England – The Jesuit, Boris Johnson, and Francis Bacon Connection Read the Full Article »

Former Bodybuilder and Trainer John Meadows Dies at 49

As many of you know, bodybuilding is what started one side of my career back in the early 90’s. It led me to create Ironmag, the first internet magazine and community in 1996. I’ve written more 500 articles within the fitness and health field, managed several magazines, worked with the Talent Hunt project for five years and also trained, coached and worked with hundreds of top athletes from 1997 to 2016. In other words,

Former Bodybuilder and Trainer John Meadows Dies at 49 Read the Full Article »

Jesuit Ritual Shooting in memory of Ignatius of Loyola – outside of an Indianapolis funeral home

This is a good example of a ritual and how they code it. I will use this story as a teaching example of their rituals and the use of gematria to code the story.The ritual is simply paying tribute to Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order, aka., The Society of Jesus within the Catholic Church. I will show you the connections to Ignatius, the date and the location of the shooting.

Jesuit Ritual Shooting in memory of Ignatius of Loyola – outside of an Indianapolis funeral home Read the Full Article »

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