
Another 201 and 56 Ritual as SUV Drives Through a Christmas Parade

By now, most people should now that pretty much all of these “events” are staged rituals and most of the time totally fake with bad government crisis actors. This one was no different with the most ridiculous “video” footage of a red SUV driving slowly through some plastic barriers.It’s obviously connected to the huge Jesuit ritual that was the fake trial of Kyle Rittenhouse (filmed in a studio with terrible glitching CGI of feet […]

Another 201 and 56 Ritual as SUV Drives Through a Christmas Parade Read the Full Article »

Aaand… The “Terrorist” Bombings Are Back in a Freemasonic 47-Ritual, Liverpool Women’s Hospital Explosion

As many of us predicted after the Jesuit ritual in the Afghan “overthrow” of the government by the fake CIA-Taliban on August 15, staged ‘false-flag’ terror attacks are coming back. We’ve seen a few incidents hinting at this and now, this Sunday, the Freemasons staged a fake terror bombing outside of the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. And this one is extremely easy to decode using simple numerology and gematria. The bomb supposedly blew up in

Aaand… The “Terrorist” Bombings Are Back in a Freemasonic 47-Ritual, Liverpool Women’s Hospital Explosion Read the Full Article »

Hurricane Ida to arrive by the numbers

The weather modification warfare continues. Only one week after Hurricane Henri. This will be a quick little decode, just showing you how fabricated it all is. First, Hurricane Ida breaks down to ‘66’ in Full Reduction (and to ‘666’ in English Sumerian), the number matching the phrase ‘Number of the Beast’, aka., ‘666’. Very fitting. This phrase is also known as “The Number of a Man”, which also is ‘66’ in Full Reduction. In

Hurricane Ida to arrive by the numbers Read the Full Article »

Former Bodybuilder and Trainer John Meadows Dies at 49

As many of you know, bodybuilding is what started one side of my career back in the early 90’s. It led me to create Ironmag, the first internet magazine and community in 1996. I’ve written more 500 articles within the fitness and health field, managed several magazines, worked with the Talent Hunt project for five years and also trained, coached and worked with hundreds of top athletes from 1997 to 2016. In other words,

Former Bodybuilder and Trainer John Meadows Dies at 49 Read the Full Article »


Richard Branson’s Fake Virgin Galactic Travels to Space

A globe earth spinning through space is unproven pseudo-science, but is still believed worldwide. It is a huge lie that has taken on a life of its own, being passed from generation to generation. Anyone who dares question it is mocked and ridiculed. What most people don’t know is that the ridiculous idea of heliocentrism was invented and calculated on by Jesuit priests of the Catholic Church. The theories from their front man Nicolaus

Richard Branson’s Fake Virgin Galactic Travels to Space Read the Full Article »

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