
Jesuit China Claim Landing on Far Side of the Moon

According to the Jesuit-controlled media, China’s Chang’e-6 lunar lander successfully touched down on the far side of the moon Sunday morning Beijing time (still Saturday in the U.S.) They claim it is a significant step for the ambitious mission that could advance the country’s aspirations of putting astronauts on the moon. Well, as anyone of above average intelligence know, no-one has ever visited, much less sat foot on the moon. It’s one of those […]

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World Stage: US Allegedly Landed on the Moon on February 22, 2024

According to the official story, a SpaceX rocket carried Intuitive Machines’ Nova-C lander, also referred to as Odysseus, from Florida shortly after 1 a.m. on Feb. 15 on a Falcon 9 rocket departing from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral (CC=33.)This Thursday, February 22, the lunar lander supposedly touched down at 6:24 p.m. ET, near Malapert A in the South Pole region of the moon. According to CNN, engineers had to overcome navigation

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Phallus Ritual on the 322nd Day of the Year and a Look at Freemasonry

Remember, on February 12, the day leaving a Freemasonic Skull and Bones 322 days remaining in the year, during the Super Bowl, the U.S. allegedly shot down yet another ‘high-altitude object,’ only days after the silly ‘Chinese spy balloon’ rituals. Well, yesterday, on November 18, the 322nd day of the year, they returned to the skies with Elon Musk and his SpaceX phallos igniting all its Freemasonic 33 engines. The ritual and the mocking

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Putin’s “Satan 2” is Fake

Once again, they’re bringing back fear and trauma that has been programmed into the sheepish masses for decades – that of nuclear weapons and the “atom bomb.” Last year, when they began the Hollywood CGI-production of the fake and staged war in Ukraine, they reinforced the programming with headlines such as, “Putin Rattles his Satan II Nuclear Saber.” Then, this year, we had the silly movie ‘Oppenheimer’ released in July, once again reminding the

Putin’s “Satan 2” is Fake Read the Full Article »

Mocking 101: India Land a Masonic CGI-Toy on the Moon

Only a few days after the silly story about the failure of Russia’s Luna-25 lander, allegedly crashing into the moon’s surface, we are yet again mocked with the worst faked moon landing in history, allegedly achieved by a CGI rendered toy spaceship from India.While Russia is symbolically playing the role of the villain on the world stage, with the fake CGI-war in Ukraine, India is now, as the “great achievers,” symbolic of the fall

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 4

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control through the 60’s, which were heavily influenced by the Marxist pop culture with fake liberation movements and drugs, that really started to shape and lay the foundation for our current culture.In the last part we closed with Henry Luce, the founder of Time Magazine, using his new Life Magazine to promote magic mushrooms in 1957, paving the road into the

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Musk’s Scripted SpaceX “Starship” Explodes Midair All by The Numbers

This story developed yesterday early evening (Swedish time) and I immediately saw baby truthers laughing in social media. And while it might seem funny considering the space hoax and Mars nonsense, most people still miss the plot. Unless you understand that everything they do on the world stage is scripted, pre-planned, and executed by the numbers as in numerology and gematria, you will be deceived every single time, not getting the whole picture. First

Musk’s Scripted SpaceX “Starship” Explodes Midair All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Fake Rocket-Balloon Artemis I Allegedly Took Flight – The Outer Space Conspiracy

Have you ever witnessed a firing of a missile or a homemade rocket? Yes, they reach maximum velocity within a second. BAM! And it’s gone, just like firing a bullet. Yet, NASA, the world’s by far largest buyer of helium, and giver of ‘hopium’ for the space-fan-boys, when launching their “rockets,” they seem to slowly float and wobble upwards with some pyrotechnics going on beneath the dildo-shaped thingy while it’s lazily gaining momentum —

Fake Rocket-Balloon Artemis I Allegedly Took Flight – The Outer Space Conspiracy Read the Full Article »

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