Russia Attacks Ukraine

Russia’s Alleged Mobilization and Biden Heading Off Fake Nuclear Crisis

September 21 continued in its tracks with the escalation of the staged and very fake war in Ukraine. As you probably know by now, the “Ukraine War” is simply a part of Agenda 2030 and the hidden hand’s reenactment of the Book of Revelation, where Barack Obama is playing the role of the Antichrist. This clue in the riddle is easily discovered if you know their hidden language of gematria, as “Ukraine War” is […]

Russia’s Alleged Mobilization and Biden Heading Off Fake Nuclear Crisis Read the Full Article »

4.1 Million Refugees and Evacuees in the Headlines on April Fools

On April 1st, 2022, CNN and other “news” outlets published several stories about refugees from Ukraine. All of them fabricated and by the numbers, as they always do. However, that theme of focusing on refugees on April 1st comes as no surprise. April 1 = 4/1 = 41 Refugees = 41 And as you can see, neither does the imaginary numbers of 4.1 million, as in 41, come as a surprise.They just can’t stop

4.1 Million Refugees and Evacuees in the Headlines on April Fools Read the Full Article »

The Russian-Ukraine Theatre Coded in 24 and 42

As a great addition to exposing the lies, the media fraud, and adding to my decodings, Anthony Davison has been posting his work on the 24- and 42-connections to this staged and fake war. All scripted by the numbers. The world is a stage. Remember, this all started on February 24, 42 weeks from the anniversary of Putin taking office and 4 weeks and 2 days from Zelensky’s birthday.Russia is 24 and they invaded

The Russian-Ukraine Theatre Coded in 24 and 42 Read the Full Article »

No, Russia is Not Invading Ukraine to Free Them of the “Deep State”

And the Q’tards and the Trump:ets are flooding social media once again with the most retarded of ideas – that Putin is a superhero that has attacked Ukraine to help the people to get rid of the notorious “Deep State.”And also a big no, there were no “biolabs” developing “viruses” that were blown up. That is even more retarded. Viruses does not exist and the explosions were nothing more than expensive fireworks. Get a

No, Russia is Not Invading Ukraine to Free Them of the “Deep State” Read the Full Article »

Russia Attacks Ukraine – All by the Numbers, and ‘Z’ Explained

At least, that is what media says as they follow the script written by The Jesuit Order. Reports of explosions in several cities across Ukraine came early morning on February 24, exactly 20 weeks and 1 day after Vladimir Putin’s birthday on October 7. Russian Invasion = 201The Jesuit Order = 201 (the order writing the script) February 24, is also the day leaving 225-days until Vladimir Putin’s upcoming birthday on October 7. Interestingly,

Russia Attacks Ukraine – All by the Numbers, and ‘Z’ Explained Read the Full Article »

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