
War of the Shills – Joe Rogan vs. Neil Young

The oldest trick in the book to validate controlled opposition on both side of an argument is to have them attack and fight each other. In this case, vaccine propagandist Neil Young said that either his music is off Spotify, or Joe Rogan’s “Covid-19 misinformation” is. Wow, what a threat! Would anyone actually miss Neil Young? Well, I digress. The point is that Joe Rogan is a gatekeeper, a shill for the secret societies […]

War of the Shills – Joe Rogan vs. Neil Young Read the Full Article »

If you got “sick” during the holidays, here’s what you REALLY need to know

A lot of people get “sick” during the winter, and especially the holidays. People have always experienced such symptoms at these times of year since modern society was formed and we strived away from living with nature and started poisoning ourself with unnatural food, pollution, chemicals and feeding ourself with plant-based garbage and Frankenstein foods void of nutrition. Not to mention the stress, the fear, and feelings of hopelessness in today’s world – especially

If you got “sick” during the holidays, here’s what you REALLY need to know Read the Full Article »

Hilarious! Germany Shows Us That Those Taking the Vaccine are Brainwashed Sheep!

Of all the psy-ops they have pulled off through our history, that of imaginary viruses, transmittable diseases and pandemics are the biggest of them all. While believing in viruses is a result of indoctrination, conditioning and the unwillingness to question and research on your own, believing in the staged pandemic is more a result of being gullible like a sheep and lacking any kind of critical thinking skills, including common sense. It’s so obviously

Hilarious! Germany Shows Us That Those Taking the Vaccine are Brainwashed Sheep! Read the Full Article »

Mis/Disinformation and Misunderstandings That Need to Die in 2022

1. Misunderstanding: Food is Medicine“Medicine” indicates that there is something “nonsurgical” to treat or cure that the body would not be able to fix itself. However, there are no ‘diseases’ in nature. Only poisoning and effects of toxicity or trauma. And as far as food is concerned, only malnutrition. Food is sustenance to make sure our body can work as intended. Food in itself does not treat or cure anything; but it is necessary

Mis/Disinformation and Misunderstandings That Need to Die in 2022 Read the Full Article »

The Delmicron Psychological Operation

While it does not exist, the purpose of spreading this imaginary tale of a new non-existent virus combination of Delta and Omicron was simply to condition people of new lies to come, to keep them in fear, to bombard them with lies of worse scenarios to fuel this fake pandemic and the vaccinations. It’s simply psychological warfare. Repeat the lie of viruses and fake and staged pandemic, and the masses will believe it. Instill

The Delmicron Psychological Operation Read the Full Article »

As Predicted – Microchip Implants are Coming – Mark of the Beast, and a Note About Quantum Dots

It’s getting old, what once was a “conspiracy theory”, once again prove to come true. A Swedish company just showcased a microchip that can download Covid-19 passport status. Yes, the Mark of the Beast is here.And of course, this company call themselves “Dsruptive” as in ‘disruptive’ or ‘disturbing’ or ‘out-of-order’, very fitting indeed for such a satanic agenda.If I have any Swedish friends who know this company and the people behind it, make sure

As Predicted – Microchip Implants are Coming – Mark of the Beast, and a Note About Quantum Dots Read the Full Article »

Jim Cramer Fake Positive COVAIDS-1984 in 53-ritual

The little puppet Jim at CNBC claimed he had the COVAIDS-1984 during one of his appearances on the screen, that hopefully no one watched unless severely retarded. This little useless stain on society was born on February 10, which made his silly announcement on December 20 to come exactly 53 days before his birthday. And that on a day with 53-numerology.December 20, 2021 = 12/20/21 = (12) + (20) + (21) = 53 And

Jim Cramer Fake Positive COVAIDS-1984 in 53-ritual Read the Full Article »

Trump Finally Showing his Real Colors – Promoting the Death Jab and Boosters

There are still delusional diet-woke people who believe in the Israel-loving Jesuit puppet Donald Trump. They seem to have forgotten all about Operation Warp Speed, his allegiance to Pope Francis (the first Jesuit pope of the Vatican,) and the simple fact that politics is nothing more than theatre for the sleeping masses. The only reason Trump became president was to gather the semi-woke dumbed down people on that side of the coin – and

Trump Finally Showing his Real Colors – Promoting the Death Jab and Boosters Read the Full Article »

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