
False Flag at Fred Meyer Update – 39-Year-Old Suspect Arrested on the 39th Day of the Year

My first coverage of this false flag is here below: And yes, at this stage they’re just mocking the sheep and their lack of intelligence. Allegedly “Aaron Christopher Kelly,” 39-years old, was taken into custody without incident, the Richland Police Department said today, February 8, the 39th day of the year. And the person who died, yesterday on February 7, the 38th day of the year, was identified as 38-year-old Justin Krumbah. Yes, 38-years-old! […]

False Flag at Fred Meyer Update – 39-Year-Old Suspect Arrested on the 39th Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

False Flag Fred Meyer Shooting in Richland is Connected to the King Sooper Shooting of March 22, 2021

They do it again. Another staged false flag shooting, connected and part of their ever-evolving script of following the numbers. This shooting, called an “Active Shooter situation at Washington Fred Meyer,” comes exactly 322-days after the King Sooper shooting at a grocery store in Boulder on March 22, 2021, as in 3/22, or 322. Such a coincidence, no? And guess what? Fred Meyer is owned by Kroger, just as King Sooper. And this shooting

False Flag Fred Meyer Shooting in Richland is Connected to the King Sooper Shooting of March 22, 2021 Read the Full Article »

Michigan Shooting ‘Blood Sacrifice’ Ritual by the Numbers

Here we go again. Those separated from reality will probably find this offensive, as like they actually wish there were shootings, terror attacks, death and mayhem – however, as usually, these events are staged as exercises, staged as theater ‘for the greater good’ with crisis actors, or are totally fake with just some freemasonic police at the scene citing the script. The alleged death count is four, and that is not by coincidence. Four

Michigan Shooting ‘Blood Sacrifice’ Ritual by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Tiger King’s Jeff Johnson Sacrificed/Murdered in Jesuit Ritual

Ok, I never heard of this Tiger Crap whatever it is, but the numbers popped up as the headline said “apparent suicide”, which of course is a lie as everything on media. So, this little piece made for a good opportunity to show some basic gematria and numerology – so you can see through this kind of deception in the future. And let’s not forget that we are closing in on The Year of

Tiger King’s Jeff Johnson Sacrificed/Murdered in Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Aftermath of the US Federal Covid Vaccine Mandates

The actor Joe Biden playing ‘President’ announced, last Thursday, a sweeping new federal vaccine requirement affecting as many as 100 million Americans. The puppet on strings also signed an executive order to require vaccination for employees of the executive branch and contractors who do business with the federal government – with no option to test out. Since this little ‘power play’ a lot of videos and posts on social media have popped up with

The Aftermath of the US Federal Covid Vaccine Mandates Read the Full Article »

Auto-Hoaxing, Staged Events, False Flags, and Psy-Ops – What is Real, What is Fake?

I’ve touched briefly on this several times in various articles. Still, there seem to be a lot of confusion about all these scripted events presented by the media. First, any event that is being covered by the media can either be semi-real with a twisted story to fit their agendas or totally fake, as in made up by the police and government officials, it can also be staged, like a drill, using government agents,

Auto-Hoaxing, Staged Events, False Flags, and Psy-Ops – What is Real, What is Fake? Read the Full Article »

10 people killed in Boulder Grocery Store in Order 322-Ritual

This shooting on March 22, as in 3/22, or 322, was obviously staged by the Freemasonic Skull and Bones, or Order 322 aka., The Brotherhood of Death, out of Yale University. Event staged on March 22, 2021 (3+22+20+21): 66Skull & Bones (aka Order 322 = 3×22 = 66) and written as a word, “sixty-six” equals 33, the highest rank within Freemasonry. This staged event happened at King Soopers, Boulder #33, Colorado… Gematria cipher codes:March

10 people killed in Boulder Grocery Store in Order 322-Ritual Read the Full Article »

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