
Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 18

While 2018 was a year of staged and fake terror attacks in Europe, it was also the year of the green agenda, the climate change hoax, and the rise of the mind-controlled actress, the transgender girl symbolizing the child Horus in Crowley’s Aeon of Horus, and new icon for the Green Climate Change (CC = 33) Agenda, Greta Thunberg. 2018 was also the year when the old mind-control tool of ‘Veganism’ roared its ugly […]

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 18 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 12

We are now closing in on current times. In part 11 we ended with 2006 and the fake ‘whistleblower’ organization Wikileaks by controlled opposition and media actor Julian Assange. 2006 was also the era of credit default swaps, leading to a “global” recession of saving the banks with endless debt and endless cash flow for the elite families.I also mentioned that during 2004, we noticed an increase in concepts like open source, creative commons,

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 10

When I started this article series about mind control, conditioning, and programming, I was considering 4 or 5 parts. I left out a lot on purpose, and likely forgot even more (especially when I now look back,) and yet here we are, at the 10th part of the series, going through the late 90’s and into the 2000’s.In part 9, we ended with Google’s part in the Infodemic, with the introduction of the Euro

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Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

On May 22, during the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, the head of the World Health Organization warned that the world must prepare for the next pandemic, which could be “even deadlier” than the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, anyone with a brain now knows that the COVID-19 pandemic was staged, that it was totally faked. This is a no-brainer as contagion, the alleged transmission of “disease,” has been debunked for over 100 years.

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Read the Full Article »

Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57

Dr. Rashid Buttar allegedly died on May 18 according to his family and the Wikipedia page. He was labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to appeal to baby truthers as he presented ridiculous and retarded theories about the staged and fake Covid-19 pandemic. While we all know that the pandemic was fake and that no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist, that contagion and transmission of disease has never been proven, just the

Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57 Read the Full Article »

Title 42 Immigration Policy Expires, May 11, in the U.S.

Title 42 was created under the Trump administration to temporarily replace Title 8 and to allow authorities to swiftly turn away migrants at the US borders to “prevent” the “spread” of the fake non-existent coronavirus. In other words, an act to keep up the appearance of the staged and fake pandemic. This practice has been continued by the Biden administration with expansion until its repeal on May 11, 2023.During Title 42, migrants were simply

Title 42 Immigration Policy Expires, May 11, in the U.S. Read the Full Article »

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake)

Well, it never was an emergency to begin with, as Covid-19 was never isolated or proven to exist outside of silly computer-generated models and images – just as every virus ever claimed by the fraudulent pseudo-science of virology.Remember, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. As of today, more than 215 health/science institutions in 40 countries have failed to provide one single evidence of a virus isolation by anyone, anywhere. While

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake) Read the Full Article »

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia

As everyone should now by now, there is no such thing as a virus. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist or do anything they claim these pesky boogeymen do. And more importantly, contagion has never been proven, only the complete opposite. No living being can infect another with disease. Any kind of disease comes from within and it is the healing process that manifests symptoms that complete retards claim as

New ‘Arcturus’ Variant, Bird-Flu Silliness, and Cyclone to Hit Australia Read the Full Article »

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