
Soy-Boy Vegan-Like Female Fat Distribution in Men

We who are enlightened celebrate the new year as spring arrives in late March, however, for the indoctrinated sleeping slave masses, 2024 has now come to an end according to the silly Jesuit “Gregorian” calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 — a patron and supporter of the Catholic Jesuit Order, The Society of Jesus, as in their puppet.And as we are more or less forced to follow this evil calendar, we round […]

Soy-Boy Vegan-Like Female Fat Distribution in Men Read the Full Article »

All Seed- And Vegetable Oils Are Toxic And Very Bad For You!

Today we visit Verywell Health and an article from late November on seed oils, written in the weeks following the return of the puppet, actor and “Seventh King” Donald Trump as “president” of the United States. I have written several articles on the extreme toxicity of all seed oils, so let’s settle this again while also explaining parts of the bigger deception. “Seed oils like canola and sunflower oil are commonly used in processed

All Seed- And Vegetable Oils Are Toxic And Very Bad For You! Read the Full Article »

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss)

Today we return to Examine.com and their summary of a meta-analysis looking at weight loss, body composition, and blood lipids in overweight adults following a time-restricted eating schedule. What was studied? “The effect of time-restricted eating (TRE) on anthropometrics (body measurements) and body mass in the context of overweight and obesity.” Well, using a time-restricted approach to eating, as in a feeding window of 4, 6 or 8 hours, will likely mean less food

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss) Read the Full Article »

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health

Medscape recently posted an article illustrating the extreme retardness of the backwards thinking and reasoning within the fields of medical care and nutrition — once again showing us how incredibly stupid these people/puppets are, and why you should never visit a hospital for any kind of ailment. Let’s see what kind of twisted propaganda they tried to stuff down the throats of their readers this time, and I’ll give you my thoughts as we

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health Read the Full Article »

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements

Today we return to Anabolic Minds and a recent article they published on the subject of R-lipoic acid (RLA) and weight management, as in fat loss. We know that naturally occurring and bioavailable RLA and its bioactive form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) have important antioxidant properties, assist in detoxification and cellular repair, and also plays a role in energy production, as in the conversion of glucose into energy through aerobic metabolism. So, let’s see what

Don’t Waste Your Money: R-lipoic Acid (ALA/RLA) Supplements Read the Full Article »

Insulin, Glucose Toxicity, And Fat Loss

Today we’ll take a look at Anabolic Minds, a quite popular bodybuilding and supplement website very similar to T-Nation, but with fewer advertisement articles and less pushing for toxic and useless supplements. While their article on the Carnivore Diet vs. The Mediterranean Diet was a total mess of being totally clueless of bioavailability and what nutrients actually are, their latest article on insulin is a perfect example of getting some things right while being

Insulin, Glucose Toxicity, And Fat Loss Read the Full Article »

Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery: Never Submit Yourself To Surgery Unless Seriously Injured!

One of the worst and possible most evil ways to manipulate weak-minded and gullible people, is to maim them for life through surgical procedures, such as bariatric surgery, or “weight-loss surgery” to reduce the size of the stomach in order to limit the amount of food someone can eat in a day. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should be able to figure out that such an approach is a very, very bad idea. And

Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery: Never Submit Yourself To Surgery Unless Seriously Injured! Read the Full Article »

More On Cancer: Lying Statistics, Breast Cancer, Early-Onset Cancer, And Alcohol

Today we return to the pharmaceutical and government shills at Medical News Today, one of the larger platforms for disinformation and the backwards pseudoscience of “modern medicine” and “nutrition.” This time they reveal the shocking news that alcohol may play a key role in cancer risk. Wow, what a revelation! Anyone well-versed in physiology and biology know that cancer, as in forming tumors, is simply a natural emergency survival protocol of the body, a

More On Cancer: Lying Statistics, Breast Cancer, Early-Onset Cancer, And Alcohol Read the Full Article »

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