
Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed […]

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

All Green Juices Are Extremely Toxic

The medical shill-site Healthline is back with a desperate article, trying to justify the extremely toxic ‘green juices’ with a review of ‘celery juice’ while debunking the most ridiculous claims to give an illusion of being “scientific” and presenting a “weighted” opinion. It’s actually quite the hilarious reading if you understand human physiology and are not one of the gullible sheep. Healthline begins their article with the preamble that, “celery juice contains multiple nutrients

All Green Juices Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

All Sugars/Carbohydrates Turn into Toxic Glucose

On March 19, 2024, the controlled opposition and gatekeeper website Mercola.com, featuring the ‘alternative medicine’ proponent and quack Dr. Mercola, published an article called “Hidden Sugars in Everyday Foods — Which Should Concern You?” While it may seem like a good message on the surface, as in avoiding “sugars,” Mercola totally misrepresents the science, as usual, and actually reinforces the bastardized, dangerous, and maiming nutritional propaganda of the evil and corrupted food industry, medical

All Sugars/Carbohydrates Turn into Toxic Glucose Read the Full Article »

More on Erections and Erectile Dysfunction

Today we return to the fitness- and bodybuilding website T-Nation who once again tackled the subject of erections. Last time, it was TC Luoma who shilled for the supplement market with pseudo-science nonsense and fell flat, literally.This time it’s the “Chief Content Officer” Chris Shugart, which means that he is responsible for the brand development, so I guess the topic of erections fits their business model. Anyhow, let’s see what he has to say

More on Erections and Erectile Dysfunction Read the Full Article »

The Simple Truth About Obesity

The governmental Big Pharma and Medical pseudo-science shill-site Healthline recently posted an article raising the question if obesity is “genetic” or “environmental.” While those living in the illusion of right vs. left, as in conservatives vs. liberals, always chose one of the opposites, as they have been programmed to do, the truth is usually quite simple and very logical. Trainers, coaches, fitness influencers, and those leaning to the “right” often tell those wanting to

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Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition

Today we’ll take a look at what the “health-” and medical community recommends for “sustainable weight loss.”The government and Big Pharma shill website ‘Healthline’ recently published an article called, “How Do You Keep Up Weight Loss in a Sustainable Way?” Let’s see what they got right, and what, as usual, is complete bollocks.And be warned, there will be some tough love in this one. They start off with the traditional cliché of telling us

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition Read the Full Article »

You’re Still Completely Wrong About “Weight Loss”

Sima Sistani, CEO of the Freemasonic and health-damaging company WeightWatchers, has of late become well-practiced at saying the three little words of “We were wrong.” That’s a lot of “W’s,” you know, the letter that when flipped counter-clockwise becomes a ‘3,’ symbolic for Freemasonry. Since early October, Sima Sistani has been on the bandwagon of putting the blame on outside and ‘uncontrollable’ factors, just like what the fraudulent “Health Care” industry and the Medical

You’re Still Completely Wrong About “Weight Loss” Read the Full Article »

FDA Approves Eli Lilly’s ‘Zepbound’ for Obesity

Remember the October 5 advertisement ritual with the dangerous appetite-suppressant and totally unnecessary drug Ozempic? Well, here we go again with another ritual within the world’s biggest criminal drug-pushing-cartel, Big Pharma, also known as the pharmaceutical industry and their henchmen, the FDA. Now, this new drug Zepbound is actually a combination of semaglutide, known as Ozempic for diabetes and Wegovy used for weight loss. Twice the toxicity and twice the side-effects. Actually, CNN did

FDA Approves Eli Lilly’s ‘Zepbound’ for Obesity Read the Full Article »

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