
Barack Obama’s 61st Birthday on August 4 – Updated (6)!

Be prepared for some scripted stories, rituals, and probably psyops within the next 48 hours. On August 4th, the person playing the role of the Antichrist in their current game of Revelation, Barack Obama, will celebrate his 61st birthday. Note that this year his birthday sums to 18, the code for ‘666.’8/4/2022 = 8 + 4 + 2+0+2+2 = 186 + 6 + 6 = 18Barack = 18, 18 And on August 4, there […]

Barack Obama’s 61st Birthday on August 4 – Updated (6)! Read the Full Article »

R. Kelly and Another Fake Trial

R. Kelly and Another Fake Trial Just after the silly Psy-Op of crisis actor Ghislaine Maxwell being sentenced to 20 years in prison, another actor on the world stage in “R. Kelly” was sentenced to 30 years for “racketeering and sex trafficking.” All complete nonsense of course, as both trials were fake and all done by the numbers as rituals to distract the masses and keep Q’tards happy. R. Kelly was found guilty on

R. Kelly and Another Fake Trial Read the Full Article »

Obama Tests Positive for COVAIDS-1984 as a Tribute to his Master the Pope

Barack Obama said on Sunday that he tested positive for farting pink unicorns, erhm, no, was it HIV? No, that should read, ‘tested positive for Covid-19’. I always get all of them mixed up as neither of them exist.Anyway, he said on Twitter that he’s ‘feeling fine’ and his husband/wife, Michael, tested negative. Sunday, March 13, 2022, was the 9-year anniversary of Pope Francis becoming the first Jesuit Pope (March 13, 2013.) Nine Years

Obama Tests Positive for COVAIDS-1984 as a Tribute to his Master the Pope Read the Full Article »

Kelli Hand, music producer, dead by the numbers. Tied to Obama’s birthday and current events.

This is for the people who are somewhat woke and can see. If you’re not there yet, you might want to skip this or your head will spin. If you’re not familiar with the entertainment industry, there are mainly two ways it works. One, you sign a contract forfeiting your name, human rights, and soul for fame and money. You obey your handlers and there is always a price to pay down the road.

Kelli Hand, music producer, dead by the numbers. Tied to Obama’s birthday and current events. Read the Full Article »

Simple Gematria

How they manage to code everything with Gematria – and questions about ‘good’ or ‘evil’ numbers

I’ve received some questions about how the cabals manage to code so much into their operations, events, and media stories. Here’s my take on it as a former Editor-in Chief and writer/author with more than 600 published articles and 8 books. I was active in the media industry (magazines, papers, books) during 2001 to 2013 and involved in online publishing between 1995 and 2016 (and I just started again.) In the past, before the

How they manage to code everything with Gematria – and questions about ‘good’ or ‘evil’ numbers Read the Full Article »

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