
More Studies on High Protein Diets and Fat Loss – What Really Happened

Here we go again, it’s only been a little over a week, and the “Chief Content Officer” Chris Shugart over at T-Nation is yet again advocating for high protein diets, while advertising their own chemical shit-storm of a protein powder. While I do agree that most people need more animal protein in their diet, and especially animal fats, I do not necessarily agree with the conclusions drawn from these studies or the recommended approaches […]

More Studies on High Protein Diets and Fat Loss – What Really Happened Read the Full Article »

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science”

Since childhood, you’ve been programmed to respect, listen to, and not question anything from authority figures, preferable in white coats and with a funny name, no matter how stupid or mocking their suggestions or “facts” are. A perfect example of this was the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic where the most indoctrinated puppets put on face diapers, refrained from even meeting or hugging loved ones, lined up 6 feet apart when outside, and even

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science” Read the Full Article »

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained

As you might know, I worked in the Gym-, Fitness-, Health-, Sports-, Supplement-, and Pharmaceutical Industry as both a Coach/Trainer, Scientist, Educator, Writer/Author, and Editor in Chief for more than 28 years combined. I began coaching in the early 90’s, and I still do. However, I left the industries all together in 2017 when I faced death from tumors and failing organs, and then learned that everything I thought I knew about nutrition, supplements,

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained Read the Full Article »

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy)

While gaining too much muscle is unhealthy, as it is a continuous metabolic stress on the body, and more importantly, the training volume and frequency necessary to gain said muscle mass, is extremely unhealthy and will age you quicker while subtracting years of your life expectancy – however, being a skinny fat and/or underweight and fragile pencil neck is not really healthy either. With that said, any kind of excessive training is very unhealthy,

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy) Read the Full Article »

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease

Since I get questions about this crackpot Saladino all the time, I might as well do another article on him and the complete nonsense about “needing” carbohydrates. A few weeks ago, he made a video called “Why you need carbs in your diet,” so let us go through some of his opinions in that video and once again explain why this is a very bad and unhealthy idea. Funny enough, he starts his video

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease Read the Full Article »

What Makes You Fat?

This topic has been requested for a while. I already have several articles touching this subject, so this will be a simple breakdown and summary. Let’s start with some uncomfortable truths. Being overweight, or worse, being obese, is not natural, it’s not normal, it’s not something we see in nature with other species unless they are to go into hibernation, prepare for a cold winter, or about to migrate to new grazing/hunting areas. In

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7 Beginner Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid

Yes, I do get requests to check out different health, fitness, and nutrition articles at times, and this one was just too funny not to make a little review out of. The article is about “7 beginner nutrition mistakes” and is written by Roger “Rock” Lockridge for the supplement store and publishing company Muscle and Strength, very similar to T-Nation, but a few steps behind. The article begins with the following premise: “When it

7 Beginner Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid Read the Full Article »

This is NOT Food! If You’re Struggling to Get by Financially, Focus on Real Food!

As the cost of ‘food,’ ‘electricity,’ and simply the cost of living have dramatically increased during the last year, I see a lot of people struggling to make ends meet. This simple fact should make food choices much more important, cutting out obvious bad nutritionally deprived junk, but for most it doesn’t. Unfortunately, people have been programmed and dumbed down with the common belief that anything you put in your pie hole is food

This is NOT Food! If You’re Struggling to Get by Financially, Focus on Real Food! Read the Full Article »

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