Number of the Beast

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21

About a week back or so, some people noticed that they did another wave of fake corona cases on the media all over the world. Remember when they started the fake pandemic in March 2020, and hundreds of cities across the world reported “33” cases? You know, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry ‘33’. It could not be more obvious fake if they tried. Now the same thing happened but with ‘233’ cases in at […]

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21 Read the Full Article »

Mandatory Vaccination, WHO and the 666 Code. More on the history of the fake pandemic – Clade X and Event 201

It should be quite obvious that vaccines are solely for injuring, maiming, sterilizing/infertility and killing people. No virus has ever been isolated, proven to exist or the be a contagion. That is all pseudo-science. A contagion, or “infectious diseases”, are an impossibility in biology. Life would never have multiplied as it has if living beings could infect each other. Still, this fraudulent germ- and virus- theory reigns after being debunked thousands of times throughout

Mandatory Vaccination, WHO and the 666 Code. More on the history of the fake pandemic – Clade X and Event 201 Read the Full Article »

Digital Passports for Social Media – and soon for the Internet…

Well, look at that. It is coming! The internet passport/Digital ID I talked about a year ago and this spring when decoding Cyber Polygon. A digital credit/point system for accessing social media. Australia is already working on it, and you can bet the rest of the world is not far behind. My prediction still stands, that before 2030, you will need a microchip implant, the mark of the beast, to be able to access

Digital Passports for Social Media – and soon for the Internet… Read the Full Article »

COV-idiots fooled into taking the DEATH-Jab over Rigged Lottery

This is just so sad and a little bit hilarious at the same time.In an effort to kill more “useless eaters” with the death-jab, a $1-million lottery “Vax-a-Million” was announced for those braindead enough to take the shot. And guess what? The first winner was recently announced! Let’s take a look at this story, using their language of trade – Gematria! The first winner (allegedly) of Ohio’s Vaccine lottery is Abbigail Bugenske. Such a

COV-idiots fooled into taking the DEATH-Jab over Rigged Lottery Read the Full Article »

För Frihet & Sanning – Show Their True Colors – Controlled Opposition

The evil satanic Freemasons behind this joke of an controlled-opposition organization does not even hide what they are any longer. One eye symbolism (Eye of Horus = Sun God Worship).The Swedish flag painted over the eye and rotated as an upside down satanic cross. And everything made with the Jesuit colors. The 6th of June – or 6/6 = 66, as in 666. (The Number of the Beast = 66 in Full Reduction Gematria)And

För Frihet & Sanning – Show Their True Colors – Controlled Opposition Read the Full Article »

WHO declare Coronavirus a Pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the numbers!

This story broke on March 11, 2020, the 71st day of the year. Keep in mind that March 11 can be written 11/3, like 113. Coronavirus Pandemic: 113 And in the Talmud, Baba Kamma 113a, it says, “Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile”.Talmud: 71 (March 11, the 71st day of the year) And, what is the most Jewish branch of Freemasonry? Yes, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.Scottish: 113 And remember that

WHO declare Coronavirus a Pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the numbers! Read the Full Article »

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