New World Order

The Osama bin Laden Letter and the 9/11 Ritual

According to media outlets such as Fox News, the “Islamic jihadist” who “organized” the 9/11 “attacks” against Americans over 20 years ago, has been back in the headlines this week after his “Letter to America” picked up attention on TikTok and other social media. Hopefully, by now in 2023, most people with any kind of discernment should know that the ‘9/11 Twin Towers ritual’ was a planned demolition of an empty building built for […]

The Osama bin Laden Letter and the 9/11 Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Luna Rituals: Four Police Officers Allegedly Committed Suicide

According to the fabricated and ritual “news,” four current and former members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department died by suicide in less than 24 hours last week. “We are stunned to learn of these deaths, and it has sent shockwaves of emotions throughout the department,” Sheriff Robert Luna said in a statement.” This story of ‘four’ officers that committed suicide within ‘24’ hours was released on Sunday, November 12, 2023, a span

The Luna Rituals: Four Police Officers Allegedly Committed Suicide Read the Full Article »

World Stage: October 25 Maine Mass Shootings – Updated

As this story is still developing, the decode will be “rather brief” and based on the initial released script and numbers by the media. However, it should as always be more than enough to prove that this alleged ‘mass shooting’ was scripted, staged, and utterly fake, as part of their ‘gun ban’ agenda and rituals — when in actuality, they do it to sell more guns and ammunition as gullible people get scared and

World Stage: October 25 Maine Mass Shootings – Updated Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Weekend Stories Amidst Israel-Hamas Psy-Op

As the staged and fake war between Israel and Hamas continues; two forces being controlled and scripted by the same hand, the media does its best to fabricate nonsensical stories to make it look real. Of course, these stories are extremely easy to spot as they are not only ridiculous, but they are also scripted by the numbers. On Sunday, CNN claimed that an 84-year-old “Holocaust survivor” visiting Israel safely escaped as the “war”

World Stage: Weekend Stories Amidst Israel-Hamas Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

The Gaza Hospital Bombing

In yesterday’s decode of the staged and very fake shooting in Brussels, Belgium, I mentioned that October 17 would be a perfect day to attack Gaza by the numbers, and that is exactly what happened. As I have no contacts in the immediate area, it’s impossible to say if most of this was staged and faked, or if it was real, a sacrifice ritual. In the lying mainstream media, they claim that a spokesperson

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CNN Mentions the Abyss – A Quick Explanation and the Number 73 as Related to Israel

In a statement, UN Secretary-General and Jesuit puppet António Guterres said “we are on the verge of the abyss” in the Middle East. As you probably know by now, the United Nations is an organization that sprung from the planned and staged WWI and WWII. Being established in 1945, it serves as a transition vehicle on the world stage towards a totalitarian World Government, their New World Order. It’s simply one of many instruments,

CNN Mentions the Abyss – A Quick Explanation and the Number 73 as Related to Israel Read the Full Article »

The Israel-Hamas War Psy-Op

As many decoders have said, this was expected, and especially on October 7, as in 10/7, or 107. However, there’s still a lot of people who think that this is totally and fully real, that the (CIA and Saudi/Jesuit sponsored) “terrorist group” Hamas actually did a “surprise attack” on Israel. No. Hamas, and the alleged sponsor Iran, are only the boogeymen for mainstream media within this region of the world stage. It’s all Biblical,

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Gullible “Truthers” Still Think the Russia-Ukraine War is Real

I still see a lot of posts on social media claiming that if you support Zelenskyy and Ukraine, you support the ‘New World Order’ with the evil United States and European Union behind it, but if you support Putin and Russia, you support the good guys and something like the coming of a paradise on Earth? Say what?Yes, it’s embarrassing to say the least. Absolutely no critical thinking, discernment or logic. Simply repeating some

Gullible “Truthers” Still Think the Russia-Ukraine War is Real Read the Full Article »

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