Putin’s “Satan 2” is Fake

Once again, they’re bringing back fear and trauma that has been programmed into the sheepish masses for decades – that of nuclear weapons and the “atom bomb.” Last year, when they began the Hollywood CGI-production of the fake and staged war in Ukraine, they reinforced the programming with headlines such as, “Putin Rattles his Satan II Nuclear Saber.” Then, this year, we had the silly movie ‘Oppenheimer’ released in July, once again reminding the […]

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The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 2

In part 1 we covered the basics of astrology and how the ruling elite families, the Saturn cult and their Jesuit Order, has been using astrology since the times of the Babylonian and Egyptian civilization to plan events and to keep people in a social engineered and staged ‘reality-script,’ the world-stage illusion. I also explained why the study of astrology is necessary to understand the logic behind the script of fabricated and staged “news”

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 21

While NASA staged their Perseverance rover on Mars in February of 2021 with ‘photoshopped’ images from Earth, the media was buzzing as of late 2000 and early 2021 about the US government and Department of Defense admitting to having a ‘secret UFO taskforce,’ The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, or UAPTF. This sparked new theories in the conspiracy realm about Project Bluebeam and a looming staged and faked alien invasion. Whether that ever will

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 20

In part 19 we covered the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Covid-19 hoax ritual, the staged mind-control operation that began in 2020 and was “officially” deemed as ‘over,’ as in no longer a “Public health emergency of international concern,” by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 5, 2023. The puppet character representing the U.S. President, ‘Joe Biden’, ended the national public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023, with the notion that it does not

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 18

While 2018 was a year of staged and fake terror attacks in Europe, it was also the year of the green agenda, the climate change hoax, and the rise of the mind-controlled actress, the transgender girl symbolizing the child Horus in Crowley’s Aeon of Horus, and new icon for the Green Climate Change (CC = 33) Agenda, Greta Thunberg. 2018 was also the year when the old mind-control tool of ‘Veganism’ roared its ugly

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 15

On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the US presidency. As you might know from my earlier work, a fragment of the Papyrus 115 was discovered in 2005, giving an alternative number for Antichrist, for the Number of the Beast, and that number is 616, like June 16, as in 6/16. As I explained in my ‘The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening,’ the elites and their mind-control system always play

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 9

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control through the 1990’s where we once again see the flip of the coin as the ‘golden era’ of the right-wing is switched to the opposite agendas of the left-wing. In 1990 the mystery serial drama Twin Peaks premiered and ran for two seasons until cancelled in 1991, leaving it on a cliffhanger ending – only to return in 2017 for

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 3

In part 3 we will continue our journey through the history of mind control to better understand why and how the world illusion we live in came to be, and why the sleeping masses, including baby truthers, are so extremely gullible and controllable.In the last part we closed with William Donavan taking lead the newly founded Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and their experiments on prisoners to create a truth serum. In 1943, the

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