monounsaturated fats

The Difference Between Ketogenic Diets And Our Natural Diet And That Of Mental Health

Today we return to the supplement-pushers at the very mediocre website T-Nation. Actually the website has turned into complete trash. But what can you expect when they abandoned their “uncensored magazine” idea several years ago in favor of pushing money-making toxic, damaging, life-shortening and totally useless supplements to indoctrinated and gullible gym-goers? This time they touch on “ketogenic diets” and the topic of mental health, of course with the incentive to sell some of […]

The Difference Between Ketogenic Diets And Our Natural Diet And That Of Mental Health Read the Full Article »

Olive Oil Coffee — How To Destroy Your Health While Gagging

There are bad ideas and then there are really bad ideas. For the latter, we recently got a perfect example from the Verywell Health writer Stephanie Brown. In her recent personal blog post, she tells us about her experiences with “olive oil coffee,” and rest assured, her experiences were “fact checked” by Nick Blackmer. So, this has to be some real serious stuff as their “fact” checkers have been all over it. Let’s get on

Olive Oil Coffee — How To Destroy Your Health While Gagging Read the Full Article »

The Fallacy Of Focusing On A Single Nutrient In Useless Studies

Today we return to for another perfect example of wasted time and resources on studies focusing on a single nutrient and a possible outcome.This time some researchers performed a controlled trial and the possible effects of Omega-3 fatty acids and the occurrence of heart arrhythmias in 74 people with acute coronary syndrome. Key study details “The participants were admitted to a critical care unit in Iran. They received standard care and consumed either

The Fallacy Of Focusing On A Single Nutrient In Useless Studies Read the Full Article »

Pot Belly 101: What Actually Causes Visceral Fat Accumulation

Today we return to T-Nation that has been spewing out a lot of advertisement articles for their useless and toxic supplements as of late. Among the latest articles, as of today, we have Chris Shugart, you know, the guy who is totally clueless about biology, physiology and especially biochemistry, taking on the causes and alleged remedies for pot bellies in men. Let’s see how much of a mess he made this time. “Visceral fat

Pot Belly 101: What Actually Causes Visceral Fat Accumulation Read the Full Article »

How To Predict Health Issues And An Early Death Through Your Shitty Diet

Hi there medical- and big-pharma shills at Medical News Today, I fixed that headline for you! Yes, today we return to MNT and another stupid article based on useless scientific research applied in a nonsensical way, as 99% of the time nowadays. This time it’s about “predicting” health concerns through looking at changes in the eye. Well, we’ve known for decades that elevated blood glucose levels from consuming unnecessary, idiotic and toxic carbohydrates damages

How To Predict Health Issues And An Early Death Through Your Shitty Diet Read the Full Article »

All Seed- And Vegetable Oils Are Toxic And Very Bad For You!

Today we visit Verywell Health and an article from late November on seed oils, written in the weeks following the return of the puppet, actor and “Seventh King” Donald Trump as “president” of the United States. I have written several articles on the extreme toxicity of all seed oils, so let’s settle this again while also explaining parts of the bigger deception. “Seed oils like canola and sunflower oil are commonly used in processed

All Seed- And Vegetable Oils Are Toxic And Very Bad For You! Read the Full Article »

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders

Your favorite Comic-Sans Anti-health writer Matt Weik of Ironmagazine is back with another not-so groundbreaking article. I’m not sure why he chose to write about a “liver shrinking diet,” but he unwittingly uncovered some small hidden truths — and being a total imbecile, he didn’t give them a second thought. Considering that Ironmagazine is a fitness and bodybuilding website, perhaps it was meant to mock the wanna-be bodybuilders that are afraid of tiny needles

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders Read the Full Article »

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan

After this Saturday’s article on the toxicity of nuts (seeds) my social media was flooded by comments and questions. While the majority of comments were positive, as my friends and followers are awake and of higher intelligence than the average sleeping sheeple, some comments were from people who never really commented before — most likely people who never looked at biology, physiology or biochemistry and simply believe in mainstream backwards “nutrition science” and “medical

Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan Read the Full Article »

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