mental clarity

The Ketogenic Diet and Mental Health Benefits

The Big Pharma and Medical Pseudo-Science shill-website Medical News Today recently tried their best to stay neutral while reviewing a new study on the Ketogenic Diet and its potential to improve mood and mental well-being in the general population. Considering that the study, like all “nutritional oriented” studies was very poorly done, and the writers at Medical News Today are totally clueless about human physiology, this might be a fun ride. As usual, I’ll […]

The Ketogenic Diet and Mental Health Benefits Read the Full Article »

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op

Recently I’ve seen a few “truthers,” that previously have delivered pretty correct information regarding the pseudo-science of the germ theory, as in the falsehood of pathogens, viruses, and contagion now post and pushing for plants and ‘herbal medicine.’ One of the posts said something like this: “If eating plants causes disease, how did herbal medicine ever get off the ground and remain a primary form of medicine for thousands of years?” I have covered

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

October 21, 2020. FASTING – Day 3

My sleep was once again good, not as perfect as the day before (due to high energy and euphoria), but still scored 85. Also noticed that my resting heart rate dropped by 2 bpm during the first two days of fasting, and now by another 2 bpm this morning.Morning weight at a record low 71.3 kg (157 lbs.). That’s a drop of 0.9 kg (2 lbs.) since yesterday morning, and a total of 3.8

October 21, 2020. FASTING – Day 3 Read the Full Article »

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