medical establishment

Fear Mongering: Tuberculosis Cases on the Rise and More on Bacteria and Diseases

On March 29, 2024, Fox News published a piece of fear mongering on a detoxification/healing state that is called ‘Tuberculosis’ by the corrupt and fraudulent medical establishment. According to CDC, the overall cases of “Tuberculosis” increased from 8,320 in 2022 to 9,615 in 2023, an increase of 1,295 cases. Also, according to their made-up pseudo-science, an estimated 85% of the people counted in 2023 were “infected” at least a year or two earlier and […]

Fear Mongering: Tuberculosis Cases on the Rise and More on Bacteria and Diseases Read the Full Article »

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism

The pseudo-scientific “germ-based” shill website Medical News Today recently posted another article on cancer, claiming that “early-stage cancer cells” hide from the “immune system.”This is yet another made-up lie to add to the growing misinformation and fear propaganda about cancer – while trying to normalize it, as cancer is growing due to our bad modern lifestyle of stress, pollution, and toxic slave food. And as most people should know by now, we do not

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism Read the Full Article »

Coughing for Weeks? Healthline Still Clueless

The website ‘healthline,’ as in a direct line to destroy your health, recently posted an article called “Why Am I Still Coughing Weeks After Getting Over a Cold?” Well, the short and simple answer is that, if you are still experiencing symptoms after several weeks, you are still healing from whatever ails you. And if the symptoms linger for weeks, you are not assisting your body, but working against it, likely by eating shitty

Coughing for Weeks? Healthline Still Clueless Read the Full Article »

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