medical emergency

It Is Now Legal To Detain, Isolate, and Enforce Medical Treatment on Citizens in New Zealand

In the wake of the staged and faked Covid-19 pandemic ritual and experiment; the test of people’s willingness to submit and follow the herd, to comply with mass-hysteria, illogical reasoning, and willingly inject themselves with something they knew absolutely nothing about, like a gullible and retarded lab rat, the puppets of our governments have been busy reviewing the data and updating policies and laws. As of the latest revision, July 2024, of New Zealand […]

It Is Now Legal To Detain, Isolate, and Enforce Medical Treatment on Citizens in New Zealand Read the Full Article »

The Character Joe Biden’s Dementia, The Political Script, And The World Stage

This article might be a bit repetitive for most of my readers as you are undoubtedly familiar with the world stage and that everything is simply staged and scripted. Everything you see in media and around you at a higher level, as in politics and governance, is nothing more than an reality show for the large masses with the goal to both control everything that is going on while being able to do so

The Character Joe Biden’s Dementia, The Political Script, And The World Stage Read the Full Article »

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