In the wake of the staged and faked Covid-19 pandemic ritual and experiment; the test of people’s willingness to submit and follow the herd, to comply with mass-hysteria, illogical reasoning, and willingly inject themselves with something they knew absolutely nothing about, like a gullible and retarded lab rat, the puppets of our governments have been busy reviewing the data and updating policies and laws.
As of the latest revision, July 2024, of New Zealand Pandemic Plan — A framework for action, “special powers” has been authorized by the Minister of Health where an “emergency,” such as a staged and fake pandemic, has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002. On page 125 we can find the following description of these “special powers.”

“The power to detain, isolate or quarantine allows a medical officer of health to ‘require persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, animals, or things to be isolated, quarantined, or disinfected’ (section 70(1)(f)).”
As in being detained, put in a prison camp (quarantine) and isolated from loved ones against your will by force. And “disinfected” simply means “vaccinated” with a deadly poison against your will.

“The power to prescribe preventive treatment allows a medical officer of health, in respect of any person who has been isolated or quarantined, to require people to remain where they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as the medical officer of health prescribes (section 70(1)(h)).”
This simply means that you will only be released if they deem you free from “infectious disease,” something that does not even exist. In other words, they can do what the f**k they want to you. Keep you looked up or kill you, and claim that you died from whatever they made up.

“The power to requisition premises allows a medical officer of health to requisition premises and vehicles for the accommodation, treatment and transport of patients (section 71(1)).”
Power of requisition means that whatever you thought you owned now belongs to the government. They can seize any asset they want in case of an “emergency.”

“Section 71A states that a member of the police may do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorised by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71.”
This simply means that the Police will not care about the real natural law and your human rights. Nor will they respect the universal declaration on bioethics and human rights from 2005, protecting you from medical treatment against your own will (that individuals have the right to make decisions about their own health and well-being.) They will simply go along with whatever the government tells them as they will have immunity. And this is why the police, just as the military, hire a lot of mentally ill people who lack empathy and thrive on following orders and getting a pat on the back.
Now, “emergency protocols” and new “laws” like these will slowly find their way into most countries, and serve as a perfect excuse to get rid of troublesome “citizens.”
And these extreme measures are being put in place for something that does not even exist. It’s all based on the fake, fraudulent and heavily debunked germ and virus theory, the extreme lies about transmittable disease. I’ve covered this in-depth in multiple articles. However, the large sleeping and dumbed-down masses still believe in the lie, and that is what makes it so dangerous. As long as people believe that you can get sick by transmission, as in a “contagion,” this will never end. It’s the perfect weapon, the perfect psy-op to pit people against each other. And the next time they fake a pandemic things will get really ugly, really fast. Just imagine if they actually would poison some people instead of using dummies and crisis actors. Killing off some people only to cause mass-hysteria. All those sleeping zombies who believe in this juvenile contagion and virus lie would turn on each other in an instant. They would actually assist the police in hunting down healthy unvaccinated people.
And in such a scenario, no-one would care about your knowledge of the fraudulent Maritime Law, our real Natural Law and that of human rights. Especially not if your government has invoked “special powers” and granted immunity to police and other government personnel.
Remember, this goes back to WHO and the plans to make them a totalitarian “health” authority where their recommendations can override the laws of countries, including that of human rights.

And meanwhile in Europe, a “European Vaccination Card” will be rolled out in September as a “pilot project” in Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Portugal. The aim is to keep track of everyone’s medical records and vaccination status, and to implement this in all of Europe by 2026. In simple terms, they will be able to track you down whenever they see fit to fake another pandemic and then claim that you are in a “high risk group” or whatever, and thus inject you with poison (which will make you sick, weak, and potentially sterile.) That is true totalitarianism.

So, once again we come back to the most important thing we can do, and that is to continue educating people — as in exposing the virus and contagion lie. Showing people that disease comes from within and that the largest culprit is the diet, that of plant-based slave food and processed food, as humans are obligate hyper carnivores and can only thrive on an animal-based diet. Even if people are in a state of total ignorance and refuse to listen, some might eventually break due to repetition. The same way they got brainwashed by society in the first place. While the NPC’s are a lost cause, there are still many who are in-between and can be enlightened. You who read my work and many others have woken up from the slumber and recognized the simple truth. Other people can find that path as well. We just have to keep on planting seeds and hoping that some of them will grow.