Lab-Leak Theory

Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19

Here we are, more than four years later, and while many have woken up and realized that there never was a pandemic, that “Covid-19” never existed outside a silly computer model, a lot of sleeping and retarded people still believe that viruses exist. And as the “people” ruling over this world, and their corrupted inverted “medical health care” and pharmaceutical industry need to keep the scam going, one of their puppets, one of their […]

Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19 Read the Full Article »

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival

As I wrote on January 12, after the scripted House Select Subcommittee hearing with Anthony Fauci, the “lab leak theory” psy-op is once again being pushed by the ‘right-wing,’ ‘alt-right,’ and ‘alternative media.’ This is, of course, by design; as to keep the ‘non-believers’ on the fake political right within the illusion of viruses and contagion. While the dumbed-down people on the ‘left’ already are afraid of non-existing viruses and catching “disease” from other

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival Read the Full Article »

FAKE NEWS: China has Released a Bioweapon During the Olympic Games

Here we are again. Another retarded story being shared on social media and on blogs by diet-woke writers, playing right into the hands of controlled opposition and disinformation agents. Just look how all the shill-sites share the exact same story with the same headline. Simple scare tactics and to fuel the lie that contagious viruses and diseases exist. I’ve touched on this on many occasions since the staged and fake pandemic started. There is

FAKE NEWS: China has Released a Bioweapon During the Olympic Games Read the Full Article »

Luc Montagnier, Co-Discoverer of Fake HIV, Dead at 89 – And a Few Words on Viruses and Contagion

In the last couple of weeks there have been a revival of the HIV and AIDS hoax, claiming a new HIV variant that can develop AIDS twice as fast, which of course is pure mockery as we have entered February – the ‘Black History Month.’ There are no viruses in nature and no transmittable diseases. All these new silly variants of the CONvid-19 and now HIV is simply ways to keep the lie alive

Luc Montagnier, Co-Discoverer of Fake HIV, Dead at 89 – And a Few Words on Viruses and Contagion Read the Full Article »

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984

This goes back to my previous post about the Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci and his new ‘inquiries’ about this false narrative.Most educated people should know by now that there is no such thing as virus or a contagion, it is not possible within the realm of biology and microbiology. The germ theory with unicorn-fantasy-viruses has been debunked so many times I will just leave it there. I wrote about this in my article about

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

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