
Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers

The little Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci claims, “Covid Booster Shot will likely be needed – ‘Within a year or so’.”This is of course predictive programming. They can’t give you Covid shots forever and ever. They need to come up with a new cool name for it. So, why not ‘booster shots’? Let’s break down what this uneducated clown just said, using their choice of language – Gematria. Covid Booster Shot: 88Within a year or […]

Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

För Frihet & Sanning – Show Their True Colors – Controlled Opposition

The evil satanic Freemasons behind this joke of an controlled-opposition organization does not even hide what they are any longer. One eye symbolism (Eye of Horus = Sun God Worship).The Swedish flag painted over the eye and rotated as an upside down satanic cross. And everything made with the Jesuit colors. The 6th of June – or 6/6 = 66, as in 666. (The Number of the Beast = 66 in Full Reduction Gematria)And

För Frihet & Sanning – Show Their True Colors – Controlled Opposition Read the Full Article »

Sao Paulo Mayor Bruno Covas dies of cancer at 41

All by the numbers, but it’s only a coincidence, right? Bruno died on May 16, 2021 = 5+16+20+21 = 62His full name “Bruno Covas Lopes“: 62Sacrifice: 62Ritual: 62Jesuit Order: 62 (Jew Red)Mason: 62 He died 39 days after his birthday, or his 40th day of his age, and he died on 16/5, like 165.Masonry: 39Jesuits: 39 (Septenary)Freemasonry: 39 (Septenary)Scottish Rite: 165 He died on the 40th day of his age.Bruno Covas: 40Brazi: 40Order 322:

Sao Paulo Mayor Bruno Covas dies of cancer at 41 Read the Full Article »

Seychelles: 60% has taken the death jab, imaginary infection still rising

This will be a short one, but I can’t skip it because it is important.The Corona Covid-19 Pandemic is entirely fake. And this story is just another way they mock us and condition us to “never feel safe”, always “be afraid”, and that you will need more shots – a decade of vaccines as Bill Gates said in his interviews…We will use Gematria to decode this article. Seychelles: 113Coronavirus Pandemic: 113Jesuits: 113 (Jew Ord)

Seychelles: 60% has taken the death jab, imaginary infection still rising Read the Full Article »

Robert Koch – Disinformation Agent of the 1800’s and founder of Medical Bacteriology

Robert Koch (11 December 1843 – 27 May 1910) was, after the charlatan Louis Pasteur, one of the leading forces behind the fake germ theory, and he destroyed the whole field of microbiology as he invented the pseudoscience of medical bacteriology. Thus, he added to the lies of bacterial infections and infectious diseases. The methods Koch used in bacteriology led to the falsehood of the medical concept known as Koch’s postulates, four generalized medical

Robert Koch – Disinformation Agent of the 1800’s and founder of Medical Bacteriology Read the Full Article »

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit

Being only slightly aware isn’t good enough! As people slowly wake up to the reality of our world, how it is being held hostage by the top of the power pyramid, sometimes referred to as ‘the 13 families’ (actually families from the Babylonian/Roman Empire) and their parasites within their secret societies (the Cabals), and that EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie, the awakening can take many different roads. Some lead into the

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit Read the Full Article »

The Corona Covid-19 SCAM – Test Kits sold in 2018!

MORE PROOF that the Covid-19 pandemic is a SCAM! TEST-KITS PATENTED in 2015 and SOLD in 2018! On October 13, 2015, a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild (The Rothschilds are the Jesuits war-bankers and they control the World Banks and own Reuters and most other media outlets – they control your ‘reality’, the flow of information).In 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of

The Corona Covid-19 SCAM – Test Kits sold in 2018! Read the Full Article »

Rob Skiba’s Freemasonic SEED Fund Raiser

I received a question about Rob Skiba’s fund raiser for his SEED TV-series. I have no idea when this fund-raiser was started. I haven’t really watched anything from Rob or checked in on him previously, so this will be a quick look at the fund raiser and some of his books to make a few connections using numerology and gematria – an ancient practice of coding language; just as God created the world with

Rob Skiba’s Freemasonic SEED Fund Raiser Read the Full Article »

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