
The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 3

In part 1 we covered the basics of astrology and how the ruling elite families, the Saturn cult and their Jesuit Order, has been using astrology since the times of the Babylonian and Egyptian civilization to plan events and to keep people in a social engineered and staged ‘reality-script,’ the world-stage illusion. I also explained why the study of astrology is necessary to understand the logic behind the script of fabricated and staged “news” […]

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 3 Read the Full Article »

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2

This article series was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as believing in mass and school shootings, The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the staged war in Ukraine.I might come back and update this series, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some copy-paste

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

Obama and His New Demon-cracy Forum, Paving the Way for the ‘New Age’

Yesterday, October 10, CNN ran a political piece on Barack Obama; telling the reader that democrats won’t get as much Obama as they want during the midterms. The story goes on and on about how democrats around the US are desperate for Obama’s help and endorsements and that he is reluctant to make appearances and that it all comes down to Obama seeing a larger purpose to his “post-presidency” life. What they want to

Obama and His New Demon-cracy Forum, Paving the Way for the ‘New Age’ Read the Full Article »

Taliban False Flag by CIA

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual

We know that anything that has to do with “Terrorist organizations” or “Islamist Movements” such as the Taliban or Isis are in fact CIA-funded operations to instill chaos so the Elite can present their “solutions”. Divide and conquer.Let’s break down this story using the ancient practice of Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual Read the Full Article »

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