
David Icke’s Daughter Kerry Icke Dead at 48

One day after “conspiracy theorist” Alex Jones was reinstated on X, former Twitter, the daughter of David Icke, another “conspiracy theorist,” allegedly died at the young age of 48 after “long illness,” a phrase popularized after the staged and fake Covid-19 pandemic ritual. Just as media actor and puppet Alex Jones, the former British BBC TV-sports and Green Party spokesperson David Icke, turned “crazy conspiracy theorist,” is used by the media industry to play […]

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 14

In part 13 we saw the rise of the Kingdom of Kush and how they took control over Egypt only to be invaded by the Assyrians. During the invasion, many Nubians/Kushites moved north and ended up in Greece where they became known as Delphos and where they built the city of Delphi, the new ‘navel’ of the world. It became a place of worship and rituals, led by an ‘oracle,’ where the old Egyptian

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 12

In part 11 we continued with the story of Akhenaten/Moses and his followers; the Habiru/Hebrew, the Levites, and the Sun/RA (Saturn) worshipping Aten-priests, who became the Israelites (Is-RA-elites) and their worship of Aten, the Sun God and Solar Disk (Saturn) transformed into Judaism.Akhenaten tries to regain his Kingdom in Egypt, but is once again chased away by Ramses and Seti who controls the Egyptian military. However, Akhenaten manages to spread his hybrid Aryan- and

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 11

In part 10 we covered the highest point of the Egyptian civilization as Thutmose III expanded the kingdom by his aggressive warfare and Amenhotep III brought it to its cultural peak. After the death of Amenhotep III, his previously shunned and ‘androgenous’ hybrid son Akhenaten becomes pharaoh. Akhenaten revives monotheism, the original Egyptian religion with the worship of a single controlling intelligence, as in Aten (Re/Ra,) represented by a sun disk, the Black Sun,

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 8

In part 7 we covered the beginning of the Sumerian culture as the descendants of the Anunnaki settled in the Persian Gulf and built the first city of Nippur. Over thousands of years, 7 cities were built, and the land of Sumer became the land of 7 cities associated with 7 demigods called the Abgal, also cited as the seven Sumerian ‘wise men’ who attended to the god Enki. We also covered the origin

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The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 2

In part 1 we covered the basics of astrology and how the ruling elite families, the Saturn cult and their Jesuit Order, has been using astrology since the times of the Babylonian and Egyptian civilization to plan events and to keep people in a social engineered and staged ‘reality-script,’ the world-stage illusion. I also explained why the study of astrology is necessary to understand the logic behind the script of fabricated and staged “news”

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The Gay-Transgender Agenda: Miss Netherlands 2023 is a Man

Be warned, I will hold no punches today, this is simply too important for the future of our children as they are constantly being attacked by this Luciferian agenda. Anyone who are okay with this gay-transgender obscenity, or even think that it’s “beautiful” and “open-minded,” has been successfully brainwashed, successfully ridden of any sound, healthy and natural values, and has actually been turned into a Luciferian sheep who is secretly worshipping the androgynous image

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 16

2016 was the year of the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election and the big Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump ritual that brought us the Pizzagate psy-op. Donald Trump was promoted as an outsider playing on the false hope narrative. With the Trump family ties to the Ku Klux Klan, he was scripted to announce the idea of building a wall against the immigration from Mexico, so the left-wing media could brand him as a

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