
John Madden and Harry Reid Dead in Combined Jesuit Ritual (updated)

On December 28, the deaths of John Madden (85) and Harry Reid (82) made top headlines beside each other, and not by coincidence. John Earl Madden = 61 & 74Harry Reid = 61 & 74 John Madden = 88Harry Mason Reid Jr = 88 John Madden = 56 & 65 (and 47, the reflection of 74)Harry Reid = 56 & 65 (and 74, the reflection of 47) Now, 47 is the number of degrees […]

John Madden and Harry Reid Dead in Combined Jesuit Ritual (updated) Read the Full Article »

Suspended from Fascistbook for 30 days once again!

Truth is a hard pill to swallow. Brainwashed people and government shills reporting posts. That is the price we pay over and over again for trying our best to wake up and help people. In the end though, it just strengthens our resolve. This time they tried to censor the truth about the war crimes of injecting children with sterilizing and deadly poison. No man or woman in their right mind would ever allow

Suspended from Fascistbook for 30 days once again! Read the Full Article »

Article Hinting for Mandatory Vaccination – Will 2022 Be The Year Our Fate is Sealed?

You know the drill. Brainwashing and accepting new ideas without actually thinking and rationalizing is done through repetition and fear. Lately there have been a lot of talk about new lockdowns and restrictions for the remaining real humans, the unvaccinated, and also a lot of chatter about Mandatory Vaccinations – most unthinkable violation against human rights. Will 2022 be the year humanity’s fate is sealed? In Gematria you can remove the zeroes in numbers

Article Hinting for Mandatory Vaccination – Will 2022 Be The Year Our Fate is Sealed? Read the Full Article »

A Quick Look at The Swedish Government Shit-Show on November 24, 2021

Sweden had a vote for a new Prime Minister. Magdalena Andersson was voted in, only to resign 7 hours later due to a “budget defeat.”This will be a quick summary as I don’t have time to do a full decode in both Swedish and English. I will only touch on what is popping up as I speed read the summary of this theatre. Let’s begin with the votes. There are 348 people that can

A Quick Look at The Swedish Government Shit-Show on November 24, 2021 Read the Full Article »

The Matrix Resurrections – The Choice is Yours this Christmas

Yesterday, Wednesday, the new poster for the Matrix Resurrections movie was released to the press with a theater release on December 22. As always, every movie is coded by numerology and gematria – so this will be a little look into the Matrix franchise and the upcoming Matrix movie. The poster displays the message, “Return to the Source.” Matrix Resurrections = 101The Matrix Resurrections = 101Return to the Source = 101Neo = 101 101

The Matrix Resurrections – The Choice is Yours this Christmas Read the Full Article »

Facebook Rebranded as Meta to Emphasize ‘Metaverse’ in Jewish ‘WJC’ Ritual

Not really a surprise. But why was it announced today? Mark Zuckerberg’s alleged birthday is May 14. This announcement comes 24 weeks or 167 days after his birthday. 167 is the 39th Prime Number. So, we have 24 and 39. META = 24 (Reverse Full Reduction)META = 39 (English Ordinal) Facebook launched as TheFacebook on February 4, 2004. This announcement comes 266 days after Facebook’s anniversary. Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, which

Facebook Rebranded as Meta to Emphasize ‘Metaverse’ in Jewish ‘WJC’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

Moderna Next in Line to Maim, Sterilize, and Kill Your Children

In the footsteps of Pfizer, who are about to get their shot approved for children by the FDA and claimed that their vaccine is 93% effective in maiming your kids, Moderna is now claiming that their vaccine is just as efficient. Efficient in maiming, sterilizing and killing that is, but that’s in the fine print – only for a selected few to know, and for us with eyes to see. Not for the sleeping

Moderna Next in Line to Maim, Sterilize, and Kill Your Children Read the Full Article »

Freemasonic Shill Rob Skiba Supposedly Dead of Covid-19 on October 13, 2021

Rob Skiba was a Freemasonic shill in the truther movement, working as controlled opposition. With bestselling books and raising $20-million to make his movie series. And now he died of Covid? Something that does not exist and every “truther” should be fighting against?! Only that should have your bullshit-alarm go off like no tomorrow. From his funding campaign: Rob Skiba was known for his theories of aliens and UFO’s, which is a big red

Freemasonic Shill Rob Skiba Supposedly Dead of Covid-19 on October 13, 2021 Read the Full Article »

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