
FDA authorizes booster for people 65 and older in another ‘56’ ritual

Look at that, on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, exactly 560 days since coronavirus was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, this story hits the news. As you can remove zeroes in Gematria, 560 is simply 56 and also the reflection of 65, as in people 65 and older. And by now, most of us know all about their ‘56’. Coronavirus = 56Corona Covid = 56Covid Vaccine = 56Virus Outbreak = 56Wuhan Corona = […]

FDA authorizes booster for people 65 and older in another ‘56’ ritual Read the Full Article »

Why did George Orwell’s dystopian novel take place in 1984? And why is it so closely tied to our current events?

Starting 2020, and the time thereafter, has by many been compared to Orwell’s novel 1984. Our freedom and rights have slowly been taken away by design, but with the fake pandemic it took a huge leap with lockdowns, destruction of small businesses, division and discrimination through vaccine cards and other totalitarian and dystopian measures. Some people make jokes and say that Orwell was right about everything in his novel regarding the future and that

Why did George Orwell’s dystopian novel take place in 1984? And why is it so closely tied to our current events? Read the Full Article »

More Distasteful Vaccine Propaganda from the Media

I’ve covered several stories about ‘celebrities’ pushing this depopulation vaccine, as the little puppets on strings they are. False idols promoting pure evil as instructed by their handlers to persuade the weak-minded to hurt and even kill themselves. By partaking in this fake pandemic, by recommending the vaccine, you are a complicit to all the side-effects, including sterilization and death. You are by definition a war criminal and I assure you; justice will prevail

More Distasteful Vaccine Propaganda from the Media Read the Full Article »

Virusmania! New 33-strain of COVAIDS found in South Africa and Marburg Bats has risen again!

Not sure if I really need to decode and expose this new fake and imaginary strain of the non-existent covid-19 virus. And while they wait for a letter from the Greek alphabet to name it, they just call it C.1.2 of the Pango lineage… They claim there was a C.1 before this, but that is probably just as much bullshit as this story. It probably went down like this, “uh, the Freemasons told me

Virusmania! New 33-strain of COVAIDS found in South Africa and Marburg Bats has risen again! Read the Full Article »

Former Bodybuilder and Trainer John Meadows Dies at 49

As many of you know, bodybuilding is what started one side of my career back in the early 90’s. It led me to create Ironmag, the first internet magazine and community in 1996. I’ve written more 500 articles within the fitness and health field, managed several magazines, worked with the Talent Hunt project for five years and also trained, coached and worked with hundreds of top athletes from 1997 to 2016. In other words,

Former Bodybuilder and Trainer John Meadows Dies at 49 Read the Full Article »

Microsoft, SolarWinds, and Nobelium hackers. More predictive programming for things to come?

From the media: “The hackers behind one of the worst data breaches ever to hit the US government have launched a new global cyberattack on more than 150 government agencies, think tanks and other organizations, according to Microsoft. The group, which Microsoft calls “Nobelium,” targeted 3,000 email accounts at various organizations this week — most of which were in the United States, the company said in a blog post Thursday.” 3,000 email accounts? 3

Microsoft, SolarWinds, and Nobelium hackers. More predictive programming for things to come? Read the Full Article »

BBC Presenter Lisa Shaw Dead after Jab. Another Jesuit/Freemason Human Sacrifice Ritual

This story is heavily coded with Gematria. There are so many cross-references that your head will spin. But hey, it’s all coincidences, right? That coincidence theory of yours would have you win the Lottery every week at this rate!Let’s break it down! The story broke on a Thursday (Thu) with the very odd start of the headline with “Lisa Shaw Death:”Thu: 49, 13, 14Lisa Shaw Death: 49Jab: 13Lisa: 14 She died at 44-years-old.Kill: 44SARS-C0V-2:

BBC Presenter Lisa Shaw Dead after Jab. Another Jesuit/Freemason Human Sacrifice Ritual Read the Full Article »

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII

Do I have any woke friends who looked into Avicii and his alleged death in 2018? In 2018 I almost died and have been recovering since then, so I did not bother to look into Avicii – I was too out of it at that time.However, with the name-change of the Globen Arena to Avicii Arena, it just stood out as weird. I’ve heard about the theories around the Epstein connection. But I’ve never

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII Read the Full Article »

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