Delta Variant

Delta Variant Hoax

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children.

Also to mock you with being asleep, as in “Delta Waves” (see further down) Why did they name the new ‘hoaxy’ “super spreader” Indian mutation (B.1.617.2) of an imaginary virus to “Delta”? And what is the agenda behind it – more than keeping the lie alive?Gematria will show you the connections… Delta mutation: 155, 79Corona Virus: 155Novel Coronavirus: 79Society of Jesus: 79 Delta Covid-19 variant: 82Coronavirus Disease: 82Covid: 82Eliminate Humanity: 82Ordo ab Chao: 82Order […]

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children. Read the Full Article »

Viruses in the brain, manufactured Viruses, aka. bio-weapons, and other complete nonsense!

I see so much disinformation and stupidity within the lukewarm truther community. Study the Terrain Theory and German New Medicine. It’s all in there. A whole new world will open up and you will see why they LIE about EVERYTHING! Why the deadly Western “Modern” Medicine based on the idiotic germ theory has been in play by the Rockefellers for so long. You cannot get disease from other people. There is no such thing

Viruses in the brain, manufactured Viruses, aka. bio-weapons, and other complete nonsense! Read the Full Article »

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