Conspiracy Theories

The Attack on Information and People Exposing the Lies and Deceit Continues, Exactly as I wrote Yesterday – Online Quarantine is Coming

And there you have it, a full confirmation of what I wrote about yesterday after FBI posted their bulletin to law enforcement agencies warning about threats and the possibility of civil war in the aftermath of their raid on Trump’s Florida estate Mar-a-Lago. Later that day, on August 15, ‘liberal’ (fake) news outlets such as MSNBC/NBC News posted about the staged and faked standoff between Ricky Shiffer and the FBI where Shiffer allegedly was […]

The Attack on Information and People Exposing the Lies and Deceit Continues, Exactly as I wrote Yesterday – Online Quarantine is Coming Read the Full Article »

Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, say “New World Order” by the script

Kerry Chant is the perfect puppet to mock those who know and understand, while simultaneously making fun of what media call “conspiracy theories”. Her name is a match in eight ciphers with the word ‘conspiracy’!The Jesuit-owned Mainstream Media immediately downplayed her “alleged slip” and reported that this incident had given rise to unfounded “conspiracy theories.” What an easy way to make fun of those who can see while reinforcing the grip on the sheep.

Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, say “New World Order” by the script Read the Full Article »

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