The Witch-Hunt for Truthers is Escalating: Walled Lake Man, Oakland, Allegedly Killed Wife and Shot Daughter After Falling Into “Crazy Ideas” and “Conspiracy Theories” From QAnon

These kinds of fabricated and fake psychological operations are slowly popping up all over the United States, as I have covered in several previous articles. It’s very clever as it reinforces the division of the fake left and right, and the non-tolerance for anything they deem ‘extremist’ and ‘conspiracy’ related. Also, as most people are dumbed down sleeping sheep, they cannot differentiate between their own government’s psy-op of Q, or ‘QAnon,’ and actual real […]

The Witch-Hunt for Truthers is Escalating: Walled Lake Man, Oakland, Allegedly Killed Wife and Shot Daughter After Falling Into “Crazy Ideas” and “Conspiracy Theories” From QAnon Read the Full Article »

CIA-puppet “al Qaeda” leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Allegedly “Killed” in U.S. Drone Strike

According to the scripted official narrative, the United States killed al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a drone strike, President Joe Biden said Monday in a speech from the White House. Zawahiri was sheltering in downtown Kabul to reunite with his family, Biden said, and was killed in what a senior administration official described as “a precise tailored airstrike” using two Hellfire missiles. The drone strike was conducted at 9:48 p.m. ET on Saturday

CIA-puppet “al Qaeda” leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Allegedly “Killed” in U.S. Drone Strike Read the Full Article »

The False Flag Staged Shootings in Oslo and at WeatherTech on June 25

I guessed you couldn’t miss these staged and fake false flag shootings on social media even if you wanted to. Gullible people using the silly Facebook “I’m safe from…” feature, which actually reads as, “I’m a gullible turd believing in this staged event…” Well, the Oslo shooting at a ‘gay bar’ supposedly happened at 1:14 am, which is the 74th minute of the day. And it’s supposed to have been an ‘active shooter’ scene

The False Flag Staged Shootings in Oslo and at WeatherTech on June 25 Read the Full Article »

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade to Create Civil Unrest and Division

There is only one reason for this ‘historical’ Roe v. Wade overturning decision, that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion, and that reason is to create division; to further distance people on the left and the right, to create separation and civil unrest.States that allow abortion will be filled with liberals and states that ban abortion will be filled with republicans. It’s like recreating the civil war. This division

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade to Create Civil Unrest and Division Read the Full Article »

Staged False Flag Shooting at Maryland Factory Allegedly Leaves 3 Dead and 3 Injured

Another staged and faked shooting just made the headlines, and as in most of them, the number three is shoved in our faces again. Those darn pesky ‘mass shooters’ sure know to restrain themselves to three all the time – and three injured to boot, just like ’33,’ the Freemason’s calling card. Such a coincident, right? The scripted story states that a 23-year-old man shoot four coworkers – three fatally – at ‘Columbia Machine,’

Staged False Flag Shooting at Maryland Factory Allegedly Leaves 3 Dead and 3 Injured Read the Full Article »

Most Fake ‘201’ Story of the Year: She Smeared Blood on Herself and Played Dead

What happens when you watch to many stupid zombie TV-shows and movies, like “The Walking Dead,” where they smear themselves with blood and guts to avoid detection from the zombies? You become a gullible sheep who believe the most horrendous and fake stories you’re being spoon fed by the media. That is what happens! If you think this story is real, that a 11-year-old (always the 11-master number,) not giving an emotional fuck about

Most Fake ‘201’ Story of the Year: She Smeared Blood on Herself and Played Dead Read the Full Article »

Puppet State North Korea Announces First Deaths Due to Non-Existing Covid

As they’re slowly starting up the fake pandemics again, the CIA puppet state of North Korea plays along with the theatre and recently announced an “explosive” Covid-19 outbreak. North Korea reported 18,000 new cases and six deaths this Thursday. 18 is 6+6+6. And 6 deaths? Damn, they sure love their sixes! The statement on May 12 comes 63 days after the anniversary of the announcement of the fake coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2020.

Puppet State North Korea Announces First Deaths Due to Non-Existing Covid Read the Full Article »

Microsoft Claims it was Breached by Haxxors Lapsus$ on 3/22

It’s been a while since we had an outburst of silly hacker stories. We had several in June and July of 2021, then one in October when Facebook went down. Actually, Microsoft was allegedly hacked by Nobelium in late May last year. These hacker- and ‘cyber-attack’ stories seem to pop up in intervals, especially as World Economic Forum and their hacker-simulation event ‘Cyber Polygon’ approaches. This year’s Cyber Polygon will be on July 8.

Microsoft Claims it was Breached by Haxxors Lapsus$ on 3/22 Read the Full Article »

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