Black Pope

November 14: News by the Numbers 47 and 33

Yesterday, on November 14, there were 47 days remaining in the year and it was 33 days remaining until Pope Francis birthday on December 17. As you probably know by now, 47 is the number associated with authority, as in the illusionary game of politics with the government and staged opposing sides belonging to the same body such as Republicans and Democrats. Of course, the highest seat of authority is the Vatican, and in […]

November 14: News by the Numbers 47 and 33 Read the Full Article »

The Israel-Hamas War Psy-Op

As many decoders have said, this was expected, and especially on October 7, as in 10/7, or 107. However, there’s still a lot of people who think that this is totally and fully real, that the (CIA and Saudi/Jesuit sponsored) “terrorist group” Hamas actually did a “surprise attack” on Israel. No. Hamas, and the alleged sponsor Iran, are only the boogeymen for mainstream media within this region of the world stage. It’s all Biblical,

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 14

In part 13 we ended with the staged Syrian civil war, the staged European refugee crisis and the staged terrorist attacks to cause division, fear, and pave the way to a society that would be conditioned and ready for the extremely obvious and silly 2020 Covid-19 hoax. The end of 2012 also saw the new era of staged and fake school shootings with the Sandy Hook psy-op, which when reported on in the media

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 6

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control with the 1970’s where mind-control and CIA’s project MK Ultra is revealed to the public on their own terms to make it mainstream, fiction, and something of the past.In part 5 we closed with the emerging Luciferian trend of Yoga that was once hijacked and perverted by Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley and then popularized in the New Age movement.

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 6 Read the Full Article »

Democrats With Kamala Harris Pass Largest “Health Care” and Fraudulent Climate Bill in U.S. History

As long as people still believe in the fraudulent climate change nonsense, they will continue this scam, with all the propaganda, and throw money down the hole. And as for changes to “Health Care,” the new “health” policy will give Medicare the power to negotiate the prices of certain prescription drugs. That has absolutely nothing to do with health, but everything to do with poisoning and keeping you sick, as that is what drugs

Democrats With Kamala Harris Pass Largest “Health Care” and Fraudulent Climate Bill in U.S. History Read the Full Article »

Pope Francis to Retire?

The story about the possibility of Pope Francis to retire trended on June 20. Then, on June 21, Newsweek became the first major outlet to cover this and also reveal their two frontrunners to replace him – either a Black or an Asian pope. Now, there are a few who are certain that Pope Francis will remain in ‘power,’ because he is the ‘False Prophet,’ just as Barack Obama symbolically is the ‘Antichrist,’ and

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The NATO Theatre – Sweden to Follow Finland?

Yesterday, the Swedish Prime Minister and Jesuit-controlled puppet Magdalena Andersson announced her party’s support for Sweden to apply to join NATO. This is of course inline with Agenda 2030 and part of the fake pandemic and the staged war in Ukraine. The brainwashed and dumbed down sheep of Sweden are still frightened from the extremely silly and faked coronavirus pandemic, and now recently by the even worse staged and fabricated “war” in Ukraine. A

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The Sacramento Capital Shooting Ritual and Gavin Newsom’s Gun Control Speech

Most of us know by now that pretty much all shootings are either staged drills or false flag operations carried out by the Freemasons within the police. As for the shooting in California’s capital, Sacramento, it comes exactly 44-days after Governor Gavin Newsom’s February 18 gun control speech. And that is what these staged and mostly fake shootings are all about – removing rights and introducing new laws. Shooting = 44Firearms = 44Officer =

The Sacramento Capital Shooting Ritual and Gavin Newsom’s Gun Control Speech Read the Full Article »