
Mr. 53, Novak “No-Vaxx” Djokovic, Deported from Australia on January 16

And the silly saga comes full circle as the elite puppet Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia after the government’s lawyers argued he’d become an ‘icon’ for anti-vaxxers. And that is what this is partly about, a false idol for the gullible diet-woke people. I’ve already covered this obvious staged ritual twice, showing you the numbers and gematria behind it. NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’ Novak Djokovic, “Mr. 53,” Released […]

Mr. 53, Novak “No-Vaxx” Djokovic, Deported from Australia on January 16 Read the Full Article »

Novak Djokovic, “Mr. 53,” Released on a Day With 53-Numerology. The Theatre Continues!

Please read my first article about this joke of a ritual here. It will make it easier to see how scripted this farce is. Novak Djokovic, aka. “Mr. 53,” was released from Australian immigration detention on Monday (Jan 10), a day with 53- and 33-numerology. You just can’t make all this shit up! It’s hilarious! And there’s still diet-woke people and of course shills and controlled opposition that is calling him a hero! He’s

Novak Djokovic, “Mr. 53,” Released on a Day With 53-Numerology. The Theatre Continues! Read the Full Article »

NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’

Yes, there are actually people, even diet-woke “truthers,” who believe in this silly story featuring the puppet Novak Djokovic – making him out to be some anti-vaccine hero. Again, you’re being played. All his previous tennis games have been rigged and many decoders predicted the exact results. All “stars” and “celebrities” are controlled puppets. If you do not know this, it’s back to truther school for you! Now, his name ‘Novak’ is of course

NoVAK’s had ‘no VAXX’ and is allegedly fighting ‘Deportation’ Read the Full Article »

Earthquake in Melbourne, Australia as a Distraction and by the Numbers

A lot is going on in Australia, like totalitarian fascism through lockdowns and vaccination, the CFMEU union, the daily protests, and more. So, their Jesuit puppet government have most likely been planning some distractions to set in motion on fitting dates for their rituals. This morning the “news” reported an earthquake on Wednesday, September 22, of 5.9 to 6.0 magnitude in Melbourne, Australia. A date with the 52-numerology that is always used for weather-

Earthquake in Melbourne, Australia as a Distraction and by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, say “New World Order” by the script

Kerry Chant is the perfect puppet to mock those who know and understand, while simultaneously making fun of what media call “conspiracy theories”. Her name is a match in eight ciphers with the word ‘conspiracy’!The Jesuit-owned Mainstream Media immediately downplayed her “alleged slip” and reported that this incident had given rise to unfounded “conspiracy theories.” What an easy way to make fun of those who can see while reinforcing the grip on the sheep.

Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, say “New World Order” by the script Read the Full Article »

Digital Passports for Social Media – and soon for the Internet…

Well, look at that. It is coming! The internet passport/Digital ID I talked about a year ago and this spring when decoding Cyber Polygon. A digital credit/point system for accessing social media. Australia is already working on it, and you can bet the rest of the world is not far behind. My prediction still stands, that before 2030, you will need a microchip implant, the mark of the beast, to be able to access

Digital Passports for Social Media – and soon for the Internet… Read the Full Article »

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