US Troops Deploy to Eastern Europe – and Feb. 2 and Feb. 4 are linked

Puppet Joe Biden has approved the deployment of 3,000 US troops to Poland, Germany and Romania, in a move to bolster NATO countries in Eastern Europe as tens of thousands of Russian troops amassed along Ukraine’s border.This conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been a well laid out Psy-op for many, many years now – the perfect distraction (just as China and North Korea.) But that does not mean that they can’t flip the […]

US Troops Deploy to Eastern Europe – and Feb. 2 and Feb. 4 are linked Read the Full Article »

Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protests by Controlled Opposition – RFK Jr and Del Bigtree

These rallies have been carefully organized all over the world, which takes a lot of planning, man power, resources, and opportunistic “leaders” to step forward – leading the pack of sheep, telling them what they want to hear, while keeping the real issues locked firmly in their box. The enemy always controls both sides of any important argument. Here in Sweden, we had the Freemasonic influenced Frihet Sverige with pathetic front figures, connected to

Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protests by Controlled Opposition – RFK Jr and Del Bigtree Read the Full Article »

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March

Remember that Omicron is a Jesuit mastermind 666-ritual and that Pfizer announced on November 26 that it would have a vaccine ready to maim and kill in 100 days, which will be March 6, as in 3/6 or three sixes, as in 666. And yes, 3/6 as in 36, is the triangular number of 666! I covered that in this article. Also, March 6 would be in the time of Pisces and Omicron is

Pfizer CEO confirms Vaccine for Fake Omicron will be ready for sheeple in March Read the Full Article »

Bill Gates Allegedly Cancelling His Holiday Plans – Major Ritual

The Jesuit puppet and vaccine frontman (woman) Bill Gates first tweeted about imaginary and nonexistent Omicron and cancelling his holiday plans on December 21. Then he was interviewed (of course) by CNN on December 22 – all part of a propaganda and programming of the sheep ritual done by the numbers. The original Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. That means that the interview on December 22 came exactly on his 56th

Bill Gates Allegedly Cancelling His Holiday Plans – Major Ritual Read the Full Article »

As Predicted – Microchip Implants are Coming – Mark of the Beast, and a Note About Quantum Dots

It’s getting old, what once was a “conspiracy theory”, once again prove to come true. A Swedish company just showcased a microchip that can download Covid-19 passport status. Yes, the Mark of the Beast is here.And of course, this company call themselves “Dsruptive” as in ‘disruptive’ or ‘disturbing’ or ‘out-of-order’, very fitting indeed for such a satanic agenda.If I have any Swedish friends who know this company and the people behind it, make sure

As Predicted – Microchip Implants are Coming – Mark of the Beast, and a Note About Quantum Dots Read the Full Article »

Jim Cramer Fake Positive COVAIDS-1984 in 53-ritual

The little puppet Jim at CNBC claimed he had the COVAIDS-1984 during one of his appearances on the screen, that hopefully no one watched unless severely retarded. This little useless stain on society was born on February 10, which made his silly announcement on December 20 to come exactly 53 days before his birthday. And that on a day with 53-numerology.December 20, 2021 = 12/20/21 = (12) + (20) + (21) = 53 And

Jim Cramer Fake Positive COVAIDS-1984 in 53-ritual Read the Full Article »

Trump Finally Showing his Real Colors – Promoting the Death Jab and Boosters

There are still delusional diet-woke people who believe in the Israel-loving Jesuit puppet Donald Trump. They seem to have forgotten all about Operation Warp Speed, his allegiance to Pope Francis (the first Jesuit pope of the Vatican,) and the simple fact that politics is nothing more than theatre for the sleeping masses. The only reason Trump became president was to gather the semi-woke dumbed down people on that side of the coin – and

Trump Finally Showing his Real Colors – Promoting the Death Jab and Boosters Read the Full Article »

Battlefield 2042 rushed to release in Jesuit ’42’ Ritual

The previous couple of games in the series have all been released full of bugs and with broken gameplay mechanics. Battlefield 2042 seems to have taken this “tradition” to the extreme, with pushing the release date and releasing a incomplete game with several features missing that were given in the previous games, such as in-game voice chat. The list of annoyances on reddit is, well, rather long… The obvious question is why they released

Battlefield 2042 rushed to release in Jesuit ’42’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

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