Fake Vaccine Research

More Fabricated Numbers as Fake Research Claims 280,000 Saved by The Killer Vaccines

How do you save someone from something that has never been isolated, proven to exist or be able to transmit disease? Something that is simply dead residue from your body’s natural cleaning cycle? Well, you can’t.Still, the evil media continues to push the lie down people’s throats – just so more people will get their lives destroyed by severe side-effect, or worse, die from the shot. Let’s take a quick look at this story, […]

More Fabricated Numbers as Fake Research Claims 280,000 Saved by The Killer Vaccines Read the Full Article »

Russia Plane Crash

Another Scripted Plane Crash – this time in Russia

Only two days after the scripted plane crash in the Philippines, they stage another one in Russia. We can only pray for the lives sacrificed in their number games. And this one, being the imaginary enemy of Russia, is very well scripted.Let’s take a quick look at this story, using the ancient practice of Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language,

Another Scripted Plane Crash – this time in Russia Read the Full Article »

Simple Gematria

How they manage to code everything with Gematria – and questions about ‘good’ or ‘evil’ numbers

I’ve received some questions about how the cabals manage to code so much into their operations, events, and media stories. Here’s my take on it as a former Editor-in Chief and writer/author with more than 600 published articles and 8 books. I was active in the media industry (magazines, papers, books) during 2001 to 2013 and involved in online publishing between 1995 and 2016 (and I just started again.) In the past, before the

How they manage to code everything with Gematria – and questions about ‘good’ or ‘evil’ numbers Read the Full Article »

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984

This goes back to my previous post about the Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci and his new ‘inquiries’ about this false narrative.Most educated people should know by now that there is no such thing as virus or a contagion, it is not possible within the realm of biology and microbiology. The germ theory with unicorn-fantasy-viruses has been debunked so many times I will just leave it there. I wrote about this in my article about

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

Robert Koch – Disinformation Agent of the 1800’s and founder of Medical Bacteriology

Robert Koch (11 December 1843 – 27 May 1910) was, after the charlatan Louis Pasteur, one of the leading forces behind the fake germ theory, and he destroyed the whole field of microbiology as he invented the pseudoscience of medical bacteriology. Thus, he added to the lies of bacterial infections and infectious diseases. The methods Koch used in bacteriology led to the falsehood of the medical concept known as Koch’s postulates, four generalized medical

Robert Koch – Disinformation Agent of the 1800’s and founder of Medical Bacteriology Read the Full Article »

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020

This post is about educating you further about the enormous importance of Gematria and that most “headline events” are staged and scripted.The core belief among all the cabals is that God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word.This knowledge is expressed in the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, or in English, in The Book of Formation. It states that God created his universe by three forms of

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020 Read the Full Article »

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