
World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 18

In part 17, as Athens was rebuilt after being sacked and burnt by Xerxes of the new Persian/Achaemenid Empire, we saw the rebirth of theatres as a mind-control tool of the ‘elites’ using the script of duality/division (comedy and tragedy) and trauma (blood sacrifice.)The rise of the theatrical performances was followed by the transformation of the earlier ‘oil and sweat’ rituals into different sports and competitions were the audience received free grain-based slave-food, as […]

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 15

In part 14 we reached the growth of the ancient Greek empire as a military power with Tribe of Dan, as the Aeolians, moving from Asia minor (present-day Turkey) to the region of Lacedaemon where they built the city of Sparta. With trauma-based mind-control and perverted rituals, they built an unrivalled military force. With heavy Egyptian influence, Saturn became Kronos, Atem became Zeus, Osiris became Dionysus, and Horus became Apollo.Dionysus played an important role

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 13

In part 12 we saw the Egyptian-Hittite peace treaty take place in 1259 BC as Egypt struggled with raids from the Tribe of Dan while the Hittites had problems with the growing power of Assyria. 80 years later, the Hittite empire is crushed and Egypt continue its struggles on its own. The imperial power axis of the world turns from the previous south to the north.Akhenaten’s daughter Meritaten, known as Scotia, and her people

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 2

In the first part we began with the legends of Atlantis and how the Archons, the Anunnaki, mostly living in the 4th dimension became the rulers of the Draco’s empire on Atlantis and began to meddle with human DNA to rule the Earth realm as gods. This brings us to the second era of Atlantis, which allegedly started with a new arrival in our realm. Around 50.000 BC, it was believed that there were

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World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 1

The history you were taught in school, the tales and events dotted down in history books, has been rewritten and are, most of the time, nothing more than fiction and propaganda. While a lot of the events described did happen, exactly how they happened or why is cleverly hidden. Same goes for time periods as our history has been stretched out. For example, the periods of history referred to as the Renaissance, the Middle

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