Search Results for: nutrient deficiencies

Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child

Starting or Expanding Your Family How nutrition and toxins influence your child Written by Joachim Bartoll, January 2017Classic Muscle Newsletter, February 2017 (issue #29) Since the introduction of processed food, junk food, and what we can consider the “modern diet”, including the dangerous push for plant-based foods (especially veganism); most mothers cannot nourish themselves optimally before conception, and much less during a pregnancy. The art of consuming all nutritious parts of the animal (nose-to-tail), […]

Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child Read the Full Article »

The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet

Today we return to T-Nation after weeks of them doing reruns of their advertisement articles, trying to sell you toxic supplement junk. And while this is also an advertisement article for mineral supplements, I’ve only touched on minerals in some previous articles, so let’s take a deeper look today. “If you aren’t using REAL chelated minerals, you probably have a deficiency that can lead to low T and other problems. Here’s what you need

The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet Read the Full Article »

Sarcopenia Is Due To A Toxic And High-Carb Diet

Today we return to the supplement-shills at T-Nation and their leading writer Chris Shugart with an article about sarcopenia — the progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. Let’s see how Chris tries to fit this subject into the world of fitness and strength training, and what supplements he would like his gullible readers to purchase this time around. “Lifters tune out when they hear the word sarcopenia. That’s an old-fart

Sarcopenia Is Due To A Toxic And High-Carb Diet Read the Full Article »

More on Cholesterol: Natural Animal-Based Foods Can Never Be Unhealthy

Healthline, the owners of ‘Medical News Today,’ are back with a new article, this time about foods that are rich in essential and life-sustaining cholesterol.While they have to admit that cholesterol is essential and good for you, let’s see if and how they twist this article to fit the malnutrition, disease and anti-healing agenda of the food- and pharmaceutical industry. “Certain high cholesterol foods, including eggs and full-fat yogurt, can benefit your overall health.

More on Cholesterol: Natural Animal-Based Foods Can Never Be Unhealthy Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking: Using Psychedelics and Drugs Against Depression and Mental Illness

Again, we return to the pharmaceutical drug pushers at Medical News Today, one of the worst websites for news articles within the field of medical pseudo-science and disinformation (not unlike other disinformation websites such as WebMD, National Institute of Mental Health, or Mayo Clinic.)This time they support paid shills within the backwards “research” on mental illness by writing about their illogical and short-sighted approach in “treating” depression and other mental illnesses. Let’s see what

Backwards Thinking: Using Psychedelics and Drugs Against Depression and Mental Illness Read the Full Article »

Broken Brain Syndrome is Due to Lack of Animal Fats

Today we return to the supplement-endorsing Fitness website T-Nation and their CCO Chris Shugart with another push for omega-3 supplements.Remember, the “omega-3” fatty acids, as found in real untouched animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, and eggs, are crucial to your health and well-being. However, omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA in supplement form is a dangerous and toxic shitstorm of rancid fats and chemicals — something that should not be consumed

Broken Brain Syndrome is Due to Lack of Animal Fats Read the Full Article »

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats

Three days after I published my review of Healthline’s atrocious article on dealing with depression, T-Nation posted an advertisement article on fighting depression with dietary fats, as in fish oil, as in their omega-3 supplements.Are they keeping tabs on what is trending? Likely, as that would be a smart move if you’re trying to sell something. Before we continue, I recommend that you read my article “Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats Read the Full Article »

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Human Health

The YouTube channel ‘High Intensity Health,’ with Mike Mutzel, who on occasion do some really good stuff (although he’s still trapped in a lot of pseudo-science,) posted a video today about ‘Testosterone Tanking Chemicals.’ The video is based on what he says is a recently published paper in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, although it is from August 2020. The paper is a summary of the increase in studies since 2015 and 2016 of

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Human Health Read the Full Article »

The Detox Diet Scam

Today we return to Healthline and a recent article they published on ‘detox diets’ and whether they work or not. Although I’ve touched briefly on this in some articles, let’s see what they have to say on the subject and I’ll break it down. “Your body is capable of cleansing itself without detox diets. However, other aspects of cleanses, including eating nutritious whole foods, may have benefits.” Yes, although your body detoxes from what

The Detox Diet Scam Read the Full Article »

The Broken Gary Brecka Diet

Today we return to the medical shill-website Healthline and their latest attempt at being “neutral” as they reviewed the Gary Brecka Diet, so let’s review their review, as it presents a great opportunity to bust Brecka’s tiny balls. So, who is Gary Brecka? Well, he’s just another “biohacking” charlatan trying to sell you supplements and tailored “nutritional recommendations” based on his “genetic testing kits,” which are complete pseudo-science and nonsense. Healthline describe him as

The Broken Gary Brecka Diet Read the Full Article »

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