Search Results for: Donald Trump Seventh King Obama Antichrist

The Dubai Deluge – Cloud Seeding Weather Warfare

By request, I’ll cover the flooding of Dubai — the heaviest rainfall recorded in 75 years in the United Arab Emirates according to their government.While some news media blamed ‘cloud seeding’ gone wrong, a practice frequently used in the dry Emirates, the “liberal” outlets, such as CNN, immediately put together articles blaming “human-driven climate change,” which more correctly should be called ‘human-driven propaganda.’Well, at least they now openly admit that cloud-seeding and weather control […]

The Dubai Deluge – Cloud Seeding Weather Warfare Read the Full Article »

Man-Made Earthquake Rattles New York and the Northeast

Only two days after the man-made earthquake in Taiwan on Jesus’ crucifixion day, we had yet another man-made earthquake hitting New York and its surrounding area. According to the media, an estimate indicated that the quake might have been felt by more than 42 million people (the Jesuit number of Saturn) in 14 states from Maine to North Carolina. And while the North East have had minor quakes in the past, this one, although

Man-Made Earthquake Rattles New York and the Northeast Read the Full Article »

The 2023 Emergency Alert System Drill Decoded

And there we go. Another fear tactic employed by the ‘elite’ fueled by shills and alternative media within the ‘conspiracy realm.’ I’ve had multiple people write me in the last week, worrying and asking about 5G and graphene. This is usual among those slowly waking up to reality, as the ‘fear programming’ and the conditioning to look for authorities and to be led is still strong, so they easily get influenced by shills and

The 2023 Emergency Alert System Drill Decoded Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 15

On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the US presidency. As you might know from my earlier work, a fragment of the Papyrus 115 was discovered in 2005, giving an alternative number for Antichrist, for the Number of the Beast, and that number is 616, like June 16, as in 6/16. As I explained in my ‘The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening,’ the elites and their mind-control system always play

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 15 Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden “The Fall Guy” Falls Again in Staged Ritual

In another staged and scripted Joe Biden ritual, the actor playing the U.S. president falls once again during the Air Force Academy commencement ceremony, symbolically representing the fall of America, the fall of the West. Question is, was this his final fall? Will Kamala Harris step in before Barack Obama comes back? Just as a little side note, on June 6th, 2023, it will be exactly a Freemasonic 33 years and 33 weeks since

Joe Biden “The Fall Guy” Falls Again in Staged Ritual Read the Full Article »

Pope Francis Jokes on April Fools’ while the U.S. is Hit Hard by Weather Warfare

If you remember, Pope Francis was supposedly hospitalized in a big ritual on March 29. To follow up on this, he made the ‘joke’ on April Fools’ Day, as he left the hospital, that he’s “still alive.” This is, of course, another ritual showing us that he is the false prophet of their reenactment of Revelation. Still Alive = 121, 149, 471, 499, 894, 726Antichrist = 121, 149, 471, 499, 894, 726Revelation = 121,

Pope Francis Jokes on April Fools’ while the U.S. is Hit Hard by Weather Warfare Read the Full Article »

The Year of 223: Shootings in Half Moon Bay and Des Moines

Following the staged and extremely coded Monterey Park Lunar New Year shooting, allegedly executed by a 72-year-old Asian man, we immediately had another staged shooting in Half Moon Bay, blamed on another 67-year-old Asian man. Well, that theme of transitioning into the year of the Rabbit with faking shootings with old Asian men is hard to miss. And besides being wicked Freemasonic rituals of total fakery, the agenda is the same as always –

The Year of 223: Shootings in Half Moon Bay and Des Moines Read the Full Article »

Interesting Dates Coming Up: January 21/22, and Jan 24 to 26

This will be a short kind of ‘heads-up’ post. First out is puppet and Seventh King Donald Trump with a birthdate of June 14, which means that on January 21 and 22, it will be the 222nd day after his 76th birthday. Expect Trump to be featured in the headlines on January 21 or 22, most likely connected to their ongoing play on Revelation 13 and the Antichrist (Obama.) For more on this subject,

Interesting Dates Coming Up: January 21/22, and Jan 24 to 26 Read the Full Article »

NASA Calls Off Artemis I Launch, again – Revelation, Cracks and the Kraken

Well, look at that. The second ‘attempt’ to launch their phallos-symbol towards the skies has been scrubbed, same as the first. Again, they blame this on a ‘crack’ making liquid hydrogen leaking. And this crack being worse than the first one. This goes back to the ‘crack in the dam’ as shown in the pre-programming tv-show Westworld, which is symbolic of flooding and creating a lake where the Beast will rise as in Revelation

NASA Calls Off Artemis I Launch, again – Revelation, Cracks and the Kraken Read the Full Article »

Biden Fuels Division: MAGA ‘extremism’ is a Threat to US Democracy — Updated

Here we go again, playing and reinforcing both sides of the illusion. Joe, the “president” who is ‘Biden’ time while they act out Revelation, said in a clear ritual that Republicans and the right “thrive on chaos and that their attempts to undermine democracy could devolve into violence.” He then added, “they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.” Speaking of “light” in such a manner is of

Biden Fuels Division: MAGA ‘extremism’ is a Threat to US Democracy — Updated Read the Full Article »

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