Search Results for: israel hamas

A Few Words on the History of Israel

As I’m currently a bit pressed on time, this will be a short summery of Israel as a country and its history. For those new to the real world, the one outside of the media- and government illusion, the world that we actually live in, it might help to understand what is going on, and it will serve as an introduction to deeper analyzes of the fake war, that I hopefully have time to […]

A Few Words on the History of Israel Read the Full Article »

Alleged Hezbollah Strike in Golan Heights Could Escalate The Staged War

To quickly shift focus from the heretic, satanic, and atrocious 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, and keep the dumbed-down masses in a state of information overload and fear, a pre-planned and staged attack was carried out by the CIA in Golan Heights, Israel, this Saturday — allegedly killing 12 children and teens while injuring another 29 people. Now, if people actually were hurt or killed, we will never know, as none of us were

Alleged Hezbollah Strike in Golan Heights Could Escalate The Staged War Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Horses of the Apocalypse in London

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, a staged theatrical scene unfolded in central London when supposedly several elite military horses from the Household Cavalry broke loose and galloped through the streets, allegedly causing mayhem and injuring at least four people. One of the horses was reportedly covered in very badly faked blood, which should be more than enough to understand that it has been orchestrated. The incident allegedly occurred during a routine exercise in Belgravia,

World Stage: Horses of the Apocalypse in London Read the Full Article »

Biden and Netanyahu Spoke on the 51st Anniversary of Twin Towers’ Inauguration

According to their script, on April 4, 2024, Biden and Netanyahu spoke for 30 minutes via phone for the first time since the staged and fake Israeli strike supposedly killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen in Gaza. Of course, April 4 was the anniversary of the inauguration of the Twin Towers that took place on April 4, 1973, marking April 4, 2024, as the 51st year since the inauguration. Keep in

Biden and Netanyahu Spoke on the 51st Anniversary of Twin Towers’ Inauguration Read the Full Article »

US Retaliates the 3 Soldiers on the 33rd Day of the Year

Remember the staged and fake airstrike that allegedly killed three US soldiers symbolically at Tower 22 on January 28? It was one huge Freemasonic ritual connected to Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry.Well, yesterday, on February 2nd, the 33rd day of the year, US said it struck 85 targets linked to Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria in response of the staged drone strike that never happened. The world is sure a stage, and

US Retaliates the 3 Soldiers on the 33rd Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

The ‘3’ US Troops Killed at Tower ‘22’ Psy-Op

On January 28, 2024, three US Troops were allegedly killed in Jordan at “Tower 22.” Yes, ‘3’ troops at Tower ‘22,’ as in ‘322,’ as in Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry. Not to mention the two “Tower” Symbolism. Complete mockery. And since they manufactured this fake story, it has trended every single day on CNN, all through January 28 to January 30. The fake attack was staged on January 28, it was said

The ‘3’ US Troops Killed at Tower ‘22’ Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

The Staged Biden Motorcade Crash on Pope Francis’ Birthday – And the Looming Bank Crisis

This story was developing yesterday when I wrote my post on Pope Francis’ birthday and the weather control performed in Charleston, the ‘Holy City,’ in South Carolina. So, again, we have the theme of cars crashing into other vehicles, just like in the Obama’s movie ‘Leave the World Behind.’ In the past, we had staged and fake events where cars allegedly ran into masses of people, fueling the “terrorism” hoax. Now, this theme with

The Staged Biden Motorcade Crash on Pope Francis’ Birthday – And the Looming Bank Crisis Read the Full Article »

What Are They Planning? Terror Alert at “All-Time High”

Yesterday, December 5, 2023, Fox News and other media outlets featured FBI Director Christopher Wray announcing that the “terror threat” facing the United States had reached unprecedented levels since the (staged and fake) October 7 attack on Israel. Now, the obvious question is if this is connected to all the videos that has emerged on social media during the last half-year or so of several once busy locations in the U.S. that has been

What Are They Planning? Terror Alert at “All-Time High” Read the Full Article »

Henry Kissinger Dead at 100 by the Numbers – Updated

Well, after the death of Charlie Munger, and former president Jimmy Carter being in the headlines as of late, it comes as no surprise that another famous world-stager in Henry Kissinger was up next. Henry Kissinger was a Zionist-Jewish political puppet and media actor who played the role of Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977 under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Kissinger was often used by the Jesuits as the archetypal globalist agent

Henry Kissinger Dead at 100 by the Numbers – Updated Read the Full Article »

November 14: News by the Numbers 47 and 33

Yesterday, on November 14, there were 47 days remaining in the year and it was 33 days remaining until Pope Francis birthday on December 17. As you probably know by now, 47 is the number associated with authority, as in the illusionary game of politics with the government and staged opposing sides belonging to the same body such as Republicans and Democrats. Of course, the highest seat of authority is the Vatican, and in

November 14: News by the Numbers 47 and 33 Read the Full Article »

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