Search Results for: israel hamas

Halloween Israel-Hamas Fake News by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 31st, was Halloween, also known as Samhain, the first Highest Satanic holiday and the celebration of the beginning of the Celtic Year (Nov. 1st). In Catholicism (also Satanic,) November 1st is known as All Saints’ Day, which is also celebrated on Halloween, or the ‘Eve of All Hallows day.’ On this highly Satanic day, that no sane person would participate in, or let their children participate in, the hidden hand that rules […]

Halloween Israel-Hamas Fake News by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 30, was a day with some special date-numerology, including that of 9, 11, 47, 63 and 83. Putting 9 and 11 together should be self-explanatory, as it reads as their hoax-code of 9/11, something that is tied to staged events within the realm of war and terrorism psy-ops, like the staged demolition of the Twin Towers and now the ongoing staged and fake war between Israel and Hamas. 63 is 6+3, as

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Weekend Stories Amidst Israel-Hamas Psy-Op

As the staged and fake war between Israel and Hamas continues; two forces being controlled and scripted by the same hand, the media does its best to fabricate nonsensical stories to make it look real. Of course, these stories are extremely easy to spot as they are not only ridiculous, but they are also scripted by the numbers. On Sunday, CNN claimed that an 84-year-old “Holocaust survivor” visiting Israel safely escaped as the “war”

World Stage: Weekend Stories Amidst Israel-Hamas Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op Date-Numerology Decoded

If you read my first article on the staged war between Hamas and Israel, two wings of the same bird pretending to fight each other, I explained that the coded ritualistic side of the psy-op was tied to their ongoing script of the Book of Revelation, that of the Antichrist – and that you have two versions, as in two opposites, playing out at the same time – the way they always do it.

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op Date-Numerology Decoded Read the Full Article »

Israel-Hamas, Modern Mind Warfare III

The mainstream media is already comparing the staged and fake war in Israel with previous staged and fake psy-ops like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It’s part of their game, the revelation of the method, and their coded messages. They have to update the programming for each generation. It’s the same mind-control program they used for hundreds of years, just a different script. For a bit of the background about this Biblical fake war, please

Israel-Hamas, Modern Mind Warfare III Read the Full Article »

The Israel-Hamas War Psy-Op

As many decoders have said, this was expected, and especially on October 7, as in 10/7, or 107. However, there’s still a lot of people who think that this is totally and fully real, that the (CIA and Saudi/Jesuit sponsored) “terrorist group” Hamas actually did a “surprise attack” on Israel. No. Hamas, and the alleged sponsor Iran, are only the boogeymen for mainstream media within this region of the world stage. It’s all Biblical,

The Israel-Hamas War Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Senate Passes $95 Billion Package to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

As you should know by now, the ‘elite’ families rule the world through the Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order, which in turn controls all the other secret societies such as the Freemasons, and there are a few numbers that are extremely important to the Jesuit Order, those of 201, 95, and 56, followed by 144, 84, 72, and 54. As you might remember, the Jesuit Order was founded on August 15, 1534, to

World Stage: Senate Passes $95 Billion Package to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan Read the Full Article »

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia

This weekend has been rather busy with ongoing psy-ops and scripted events. Unfortunately, I’m very short on time as I have clients in need of my immediate help, so this will be a simple recap of the two biggest events. In the last two days, the media has brewed a new conflict between Israel and Iran. And this morning, April 14, 2024, Israel that was founded on May 14, 1948, turned 911 months old,

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia Read the Full Article »

Joe Biden Visits Israel and Biblically Cancels Jordan Arab League Meeting

Puppet and actor Joe Biden visited Israel on October 18, 2023, on the four-year anniversary of Event 201, the ‘revelation of the method’ for their previous hoax, the fake coronavirus plandemic. As you know, Event 201 was named in honor of their masters, the Jesuit Order and their famous number of 201, that we have decoded hundreds of times. And, that takes us to this staged and fake war, their latest psy-op, also orchestrated

Joe Biden Visits Israel and Biblically Cancels Jordan Arab League Meeting Read the Full Article »

CNN Mentions the Abyss – A Quick Explanation and the Number 73 as Related to Israel

In a statement, UN Secretary-General and Jesuit puppet António Guterres said “we are on the verge of the abyss” in the Middle East. As you probably know by now, the United Nations is an organization that sprung from the planned and staged WWI and WWII. Being established in 1945, it serves as a transition vehicle on the world stage towards a totalitarian World Government, their New World Order. It’s simply one of many instruments,

CNN Mentions the Abyss – A Quick Explanation and the Number 73 as Related to Israel Read the Full Article »

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