South Carolina Mall Shooting – The ‘Two’ Ritual

Here we go again with the shootings. Police in South Carolina responded to a 911 call that was made around 2:03 p.m. that reported gunfire near the GAP store inside the Columbiana Centre, a mall in Columbia, South Carolina. Multiple 911 calls were made after that, according to Columbia Police Department Chief William H. “Skip” Holbrook. I guess 2:01 p.m. would have been too obvious, as they used that in the Sacramento Capital Shooting […]

South Carolina Mall Shooting – The ‘Two’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

The Pre-Planned and Scripted Riots in Sweden

Here we go again. People getting angry and divided, hating on all Muslims, and begging for tougher Police measures, wanting to give the Police even more authority and assistance from the military — and at a time when Sweden is looking at a membership into NATO. Exactly the reaction the government and the ruling hidden hand wants. Problem, reaction, solution – order out of chaos. If you do not understand what this is and

The Pre-Planned and Scripted Riots in Sweden Read the Full Article »

Zelenskyy Says World Should be Prepared for Nuclear War

If you have done your research, you should be fully aware of the nuclear hoax. There are no such things as nuclear weapons or the ‘atomic bomb.’ That is old warmongering propaganda – a way to justify all money spent on the military, surveillance, anti-terror forces, and so on through the years. And of course, most importantly, to keep the sheep in fear – the same way as with the fake germ theory and

Zelenskyy Says World Should be Prepared for Nuclear War Read the Full Article »

The Jesuit Puppet Elon Musk Buying Twitter at $54 per Share Ritual + Update with Vanguard

While this ritual is comical, the funniest thing, or perhaps we should call it the saddest thing, is that there are still people, including diet woke, who believe that Elon Musk is real and some sort of technological rebel.Yes, ‘sad,’ is probably the best word to describe such lack of rational thinking and understanding of our world. As I’ve explained many times; all ‘famous’ people who get exposure on the world stage are invented

The Jesuit Puppet Elon Musk Buying Twitter at $54 per Share Ritual + Update with Vanguard Read the Full Article »

The Bullshit Never Ends: FDA Authorizes First Covid-19 Breath Test

If something as a virus or a transmittable disease actually would exist, this would have been the first thing they developed two years ago. Instead, they opted for the much more fun humiliation and mocking ritual of deep nasal swabs damaging the nasal cavity. After that they used thermometer guns to the forehead execution style, like you’re nothing more than cattle. More humiliation and mockery. Then you had the ‘at-home’ tests where you had

The Bullshit Never Ends: FDA Authorizes First Covid-19 Breath Test Read the Full Article »

Bodybuilder Cedric McMillan Dead at 44

If you followed me for a while, you know that 25+ years of my career has been in the fitness and sport industry. I worked with fitness and bodybuilding for a long time, helping and coaching thousands of athletes. I know more than most about the idiotic nutrition and drug use, as well as the training, and no, it’s not something you suddenly die from. Sure, it will strip a few years off your

Bodybuilder Cedric McMillan Dead at 44 Read the Full Article »

Brooklyn Shooting: Frank R. James Blamed and he Allegedly Rented an U-Haul Van and Fired 33 Rounds

I decoded this staged False Flag shooting yesterday as it developed. It was extremely coded, a clear sign of being scripted and planned long in advance by the police and other Freemasonic government officials. The patsy, if he even exists, has been named Frank R. James, which of course is also all by the numbers, as they always do it. It would be rather bold to state that all shootings are staged, but we

Brooklyn Shooting: Frank R. James Blamed and he Allegedly Rented an U-Haul Van and Fired 33 Rounds Read the Full Article »

Brooklyn Subway Station Shooting — Updated

This will be a very quick look at this event as it is breaking.This alleged shooting comes on April 12, the day leaving 263 days remaining in the year. 263 is the 56th prime number, as in the infamous ‘56’ hoax code. Residents were asked to avoid ’36th Street.’ Murder = 5636th Street = 56Rest in Peace = 56Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order, always pulling the strings) As the story

Brooklyn Subway Station Shooting — Updated Read the Full Article »

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